mrthinger / wow-voiceover

ml world of warcraft voiceover addon
The Unlicense
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Localized Lookup Table Generation #100

Closed NathanaelMangold closed 1 year ago

NathanaelMangold commented 1 year ago

I added the ability to get localized lookup tables for different language clients.

So using e.g. gen_lookup_tables --lang deDE create the on for the German client.

Also I added UTF-8 encoding to the files which is really important for other languages than English to get the Umlauts working in game.

The only thing left to discuss is the way the localized query is done. Should we keep it as a separate SQLs (with duplication of the code) or should we somehow merge the two SQLs together?

NathanaelMangold commented 1 year ago

@xvwyh thanks for the additions.

I compared the generated files and they are identical. Also checked in the German client for 3.3.5a and it worked. So from my end its looking good.

mrthinger commented 1 year ago

looks good. Thanks