i use this code, i receive address for regtest, and change blockchain_utils for support regtest.
Future<void> spendingP2TR(ECPrivate sWallet, ECPrivate rWallet) async {
// All the steps are the same as in the first tutorial;
// the only difference is the transaction input type,
// and we use method `buildP2trTransaction` to create the transaction.
// we use `signTapRoot` of ECPrivate for signing taproot transaction
final addr = sWallet.getPublic();
// P2TR address
final sender = addr.toTaprootAddress();
var txHash =
var value = BigInt.from(99999780);
var vout = 1;
var scriptType = BitcoinAddressType.p2tr;
var blockHeight = 441;
final utxo = [
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
txHash: txHash,
value: value,
vout: vout,
scriptType: scriptType,
blockHeight: blockHeight),
UtxoAddressDetails(address: sender, publicKey: addr.toHex()))
final sumOfUtxo = utxo.sumOfUtxosValue();
if (sumOfUtxo == BigInt.zero) {
throw Exception(
"account does not have any unspent transaction or mybe no confirmed");
final feeRate = BitcoinFeeRate.fromMempool({
"fastestFee": 1,
"halfHourFee": 1,
"minimumFee": 1,
final prive = sWallet;
final recPub = rWallet.getPublic();
final receiver = recPub.toSegwitAddress();
final changeAddress = recPub.toSegwitAddress();
final List<BitcoinAddress> outputsAdress = [receiver, changeAddress];
final transactionSize = BitcoinTransactionBuilder.estimateTransactionSize(
utxos: utxo, outputs: outputsAdress, network: network);
final estimateFee = BigInt.from(transactionSize * 2);
final canSpend = sumOfUtxo - estimateFee;
final outPutWithValue = outputsAdress
.map((e) => BitcoinOutput(
address: e, value: canSpend ~/ BigInt.from(outputsAdress.length)))
final transaction = buildP2trTransaction(
receiver: outPutWithValue,
sign: (p0, publicKey, sigHash) {
// Use signTapRoot instead of signInput for the taproot transaction input.
return prive.signTapRoot(p0, sighash: sigHash, tweak: true);
utxo: utxo,
final ser = transaction.serialize();
final id = transaction.txId();
i use this code, i receive address for regtest, and change blockchain_utils for support regtest.
got error: