mrtnetwork / bitcoin_base

A versatile library for Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash, BSV and Bitcoin Cash. Supports P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, Taproot, with advanced creation, signing, and spending capabilities.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
18 stars 15 forks source link

16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation) #8

Open Immmmmmortal1 opened 1 month ago

Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago
static BigInt _changeValue(BigInt sum, List<BigInt> all) {
    final sumAll = all.fold<BigInt>(, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);

    final remind = sum - sumAll;
    if (remind < {
      throw ArgumentError("invalid values");
    return remind;

 static Future<void> sendDoge(String recipientAddress, double amount) async {

  /// Define the network
  const network = DogecoinNetwork.mainnet;

  String mne = await BaseWalletManger.decoAESString(
        BaseWalletNoti.baseWalletNotifier.value!.mne, '123');
    final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mne);
    final bip32Node = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
    final childNode = bip32Node.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));

    final senderPrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childNode.privateKey.raw);
    final senderPublicKey = senderPrivateKey.getPublic();

    List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [];
    BigInt unspentValue =;

    BaseWalletNoti.selectUtxos.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
      unspentValue += BigInt.parse(element.value);
        utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: element.txid,
          value: BigInt.parse(element.value),
          vout: 1, //index, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
          scriptType: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh().type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh(),

    // double result = int.parse(BaseWalletNoti.txidsNotifier.value!.first.value) / 100000000;
    final fee = BtcUtils.toSatoshi(BaseWalletNoti.feeNotifier.value!);
    final change = _changeValue(
    final out1 =
        P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: recipientAddress, network: network);

    final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: BaseWalletNoti.baseWalletNotifier.value!.address,
        network: network);

    final b = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(
      outPuts: [
        BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("1")),
        BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: change),
      fee: fee,
      network: network,
      // memo: "",
      utxos: unspent,
   final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) {
     if (publicKey == senderPublicKey.toHex()) {
      return senderPrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
    throw UnimplementedError();

   final txId = tr.txId();

  final size = tr.getSize();

According to {dog_example.dart} to sendrawTransaction ,Always get this mistake.

mrtnetwork commented 1 month ago

hi, in this section u sure about the address type ? We have different types of p2sh(p2pkh, p2pk, p2wpkh and ...). make sure select the correct address type

  BaseWalletNoti.selectUtxos.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
    unspentValue += BigInt.parse(element.value);
      utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
        txHash: element.txid,
        value: BigInt.parse(element.value),
        vout: 1, //index, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
        scriptType: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh().type, // here
      ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
        publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
        address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh(), // here
Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago

Dogecoin P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH this is my address

 // DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL

i want send dogecoins to this type address , which address Type i can use? Is P2PKH

mrtnetwork commented 1 month ago

Dogecoin P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH this is my address

 // DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL

i want send dogecoins to this type address , which address Type i can use? Is P2PKH

It doesn't matter for the output which p2sh address you use.

In this code block

 BaseWalletNoti.selectUtxos.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
    unspentValue += BigInt.parse(element.value);
      utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
        txHash: element.txid,
        value: BigInt.parse(element.value),
        vout: 1, //index, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
        scriptType: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh().type, // here
      ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
        publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
        address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkInP2sh(), // here

You must select Utxo address not receiver.

You must choose the correct type of account by using senderPublicKey.****p2sh().type. This account type is related to UTXO, not the output.

It is essential to know which type of address was created. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to determine the correct P2SH address programmatically.

you can check the transaction details on the blockchain explorer. Alternatively, you can use the public key and test all possible P2SH address types to find the correct one.

mrtnetwork commented 1 month ago

Dogecoin P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH this is my address

 // DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL

i want send dogecoins to this type address , which address Type i can use? Is P2PKH

these two address its P2pkh not p2sh

  final addr = DogeAddress("D6FoqUcqevrCgKUsejxDJNudVaebQ6pGk6",
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago

Thank you. I'll try it right away.

Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago
    final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: recipientAddress, network: network);
        // P2pkAddress.fromAddress(address: recipientAddress, network: network);
    final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: BaseWalletNoti.baseWalletNotifier.value!.address,
        network: network);

     final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

    List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [];
    BigInt unspentValue =;

    BaseWalletNoti.selectUtxos.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
      unspentValue += BigInt.parse(element.value);
        utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: element.txid,
          value: BigInt.parse(element.value),
          vout: index, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
          scriptType: type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkhInP2sh(),

now ,i get utxo type from blow, and Assign to "scriptType "

 final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

but i got same error,like this

flutter: 当前交易结果{code: -26, message: 16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation)}

mrtnetwork commented 1 month ago
    final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: recipientAddress, network: network);
        // P2pkAddress.fromAddress(address: recipientAddress, network: network);
    final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: BaseWalletNoti.baseWalletNotifier.value!.address,
        network: network);

     final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

    List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [];
    BigInt unspentValue =;

    BaseWalletNoti.selectUtxos.asMap().forEach((index, element) {
      unspentValue += BigInt.parse(element.value);
        utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: element.txid,
          value: BigInt.parse(element.value),
          vout: index, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
          scriptType: type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkhInP2sh(),

now ,i get utxo type from blow, and Assign to "scriptType "

 final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

but i got same error,like this

flutter: 当前交易结果{code: -26, message: 16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation)}

what is recipientAddress? please send code fully i check them and dont use another class just create simple transaction in one method i can check all of them

Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago
static Future<void> managerSendTransaction(String digets) async {
  final params = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "API_key": apiKey,
    "id": 'send_${}',
    "method": "sendrawtransaction",
    "params": [digets]
  final cl = http.Client();
  final res = await""),
      body: jsonEncode(params), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
  final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
  print("当前交易结果${json["error"]} ");
  static BigInt _changeValue(BigInt sum, List<BigInt> all) {
    final sumAll = all.fold<BigInt>(, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);

    final remind = sum - sumAll;
    if (remind < {
      throw ArgumentError("invalid values");
    return remind;

 static Future<void> sendDoge(String recipientAddress, double amount) async {

  /// Define the network
  const network = DogecoinNetwork.mainnet;

  String mne = "brain virus repair blame slogan cheap beauty plug slim math gate entire";
    final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mne);
    final bip32Node = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
    final childNode = bip32Node.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));

final senderPrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childNode.privateKey.raw);
final senderPublicKey = senderPrivateKey.getPublic();

final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: "DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL", network: network);

 final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: "D6FoqUcqevrCgKUsejxDJNudVaebQ6pGk6",
        network: network);
final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    // print(addr.type);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

   <!--   {
        "txid": "87c1a70bc9e8636737ceaf212c2042b24f41cf82316611897a9d81b365e1f1d5",
        "vout": 0,
        "value": "200000000",
        "height": 5219509,
        "confirmations": 11928
List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [
        utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: "87c1a70bc9e8636737ceaf212c2042b24f41cf82316611897a9d81b365e1f1d5",
          value: BigInt.parse("200000000"),
          vout: 0, 
          scriptType: type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress(),
BigInt unspentValue =;

final fee = BtcUtils.toSatoshi(BaseWalletNoti.feeNotifier.value!);
final change = _changeValue(

    /// Define the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)
final b = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(
      outPuts: [
        BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("1")),
        BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: change),
      fee: fee,
      network: network,
      // memo: "",
      utxos: unspent,
   final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) {
     if (publicKey == senderPublicKey.toHex()) {
      return senderPrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
    throw UnimplementedError();

   final txId = tr.txId();

  final size = tr.getSize();
 //:gas fee
 static Future<void> managerestimateFee() async {

  final params = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "API_key": apiKey,
    "method": "estimatesmartfee",
    "id" : "fee_${}",
    "params": [2]
  final cl = http.Client();
  final res = await""),
      body: jsonEncode(params), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
  final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
  if (json["error"] == null) {
   BaseWalletNoti.feeNotifier.value = json["result"]["feerate"].toString();
  // print("当前交易${json["result"]} "); 


hi! these are all the codes,and the blow api can get utxos
mrtnetwork commented 1 month ago
static Future<void> managerSendTransaction(String digets) async {
  final params = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "API_key": apiKey,
    "id": 'send_${}',
    "method": "sendrawtransaction",
    "params": [digets]
  final cl = http.Client();
  final res = await""),
      body: jsonEncode(params), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
  final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
  print("当前交易结果${json["error"]} ");
  static BigInt _changeValue(BigInt sum, List<BigInt> all) {
    final sumAll = all.fold<BigInt>(, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);

    final remind = sum - sumAll;
    if (remind < {
      throw ArgumentError("invalid values");
    return remind;

 static Future<void> sendDoge(String recipientAddress, double amount) async {

  /// Define the network
  const network = DogecoinNetwork.mainnet;

  String mne = "brain virus repair blame slogan cheap beauty plug slim math gate entire";
    final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mne);
    final bip32Node = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
    final childNode = bip32Node.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));

final senderPrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childNode.privateKey.raw);
final senderPublicKey = senderPrivateKey.getPublic();

final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: "DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL", network: network);

 final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: "D6FoqUcqevrCgKUsejxDJNudVaebQ6pGk6",
        network: network);
final addr = DogeAddress(recipientAddress,
      network: DogecoinNetwork.mainnet);
    // print(addr.type);
    BitcoinAddressType type = addr.type;

   <!--   {
        "txid": "87c1a70bc9e8636737ceaf212c2042b24f41cf82316611897a9d81b365e1f1d5",
        "vout": 0,
        "value": "200000000",
        "height": 5219509,
        "confirmations": 11928
List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [
        utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: "87c1a70bc9e8636737ceaf212c2042b24f41cf82316611897a9d81b365e1f1d5",
          value: BigInt.parse("200000000"),
          vout: 0, 
          scriptType: type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress(),
BigInt unspentValue =;

final fee = BtcUtils.toSatoshi(BaseWalletNoti.feeNotifier.value!);
final change = _changeValue(

    /// Define the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)
final b = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(
      outPuts: [
        BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("1")),
        BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: change),
      fee: fee,
      network: network,
      // memo: "",
      utxos: unspent,
   final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) {
     if (publicKey == senderPublicKey.toHex()) {
      return senderPrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
    throw UnimplementedError();

   final txId = tr.txId();

  final size = tr.getSize();
 //:gas fee
 static Future<void> managerestimateFee() async {

  final params = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "API_key": apiKey,
    "method": "estimatesmartfee",
    "id" : "fee_${}",
    "params": [2]
  final cl = http.Client();
  final res = await""),
      body: jsonEncode(params), headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
  final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
  if (json["error"] == null) {
   BaseWalletNoti.feeNotifier.value = json["result"]["feerate"].toString();
  // print("当前交易${json["result"]} "); 


hi! these are all the codes,and the blow api can get utxos

what is receipment address? you must use spender address for utxos not receipment

please check comments

      utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
        value: BigInt.parse("200000000"),
        vout: 0,

        /// Exactly type address related to this utxo
        /// but if address is p2sh you must know about the address type
        /// for example when you create address from public key
        /// final address = senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress()
        /// you can use address in script type
        /// scriptType: address.type
        /// address: address
        /// but if you want to define p2sh address without public key
        /// you should use correct type
        /// final address = P2shAddress.fromAddress(
        /// address: "",
        /// network: network,
        /// type: P2shAddressType.p2pkInP2sh);
        /// and then you can use scriptType: address.type
        /// and its is `senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress()` address is not P2PKH address its P2PK
        /// for P2PKH address use `senderPublicKey.toAddress()`
        scriptType: senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress().type,
      ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
        publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),

        /// exactly address related to this utxo
        address: senderPublicKey.toP2pkAddress(),
Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago
 static String dogeDomain() {
    // return '';
    return "";

  static String apiKey = "6ed8dfb4-704c-4bc1-83e5-6710cb7903da";

  static Future<void> managerSendTransaction(String digets) async {
    final params = {
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "API_key": apiKey,
      "id": 'send_${}',
      "method": "sendrawtransaction",
      "params": [digets]
    try {
      final cl = http.Client();
      final res = await""),
          body: jsonEncode(params),
          headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
      final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
    } catch (e) {}

  static BigInt _changeValue(BigInt sum, List<BigInt> all) {
    final sumAll = all.fold<BigInt>(, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);

    final remind = sum - sumAll;
    if (remind < {
      throw ArgumentError("invalid values");
    return remind;

  static Future<void> sendDoge() async {
    /// Define the network
    const network = DogecoinNetwork.mainnet;

    String mne = "brain virus repair blame slogan cheap beauty plug slim math gate entire";
    final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mne);
    final bip32Node = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seed);
    final childNode = bip32Node.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(3));

    final senderPrivateKey = ECPrivate.fromBytes(childNode.privateKey.raw);
    final senderPublicKey = senderPrivateKey.getPublic();

    final receiveA = "DDbxjkznhsn5Ap1RUKFJ7SfUxoFcVdzrHL";
    final outPutA = "D6FoqUcqevrCgKUsejxDJNudVaebQ6pGk6";

    final out1 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: receiveA, network: network);
    final out2 = P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(
        address: outPutA,
        network: network);

    List<UtxoWithAddress> unspent = [BitcoinUtxo(
          txHash: "87c1a70bc9e8636737ceaf212c2042b24f41cf82316611897a9d81b365e1f1d5",
          value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("2"),
          vout: 0, // 使用当前索引作为 vout
          scriptType: senderPublicKey.toAddress().type,
        ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(
          publicKey: senderPublicKey.toHex(),
          address: senderPublicKey.toAddress(),
    BigInt unspentValue =;
    final fee = await managerestimateFee();
    final change = _changeValue(unspentValue, [

    /// Define the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)
    final b = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(
      outPuts: [
        BitcoinOutput(address: out1, value: BtcUtils.toSatoshi("1")),
        BitcoinOutput(address: out2, value: change),
      fee: fee,
      network: network,
      // memo: "",
      utxos: unspent,
    final tr = b.buildTransaction((trDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) {
      if (publicKey == senderPublicKey.toHex()) {
        return senderPrivateKey.signInput(trDigest, sigHash: sighash);
      throw UnimplementedError();

    final txId = tr.txId();

    final size = tr.getSize();

  //:gas fee
  static Future<String> managerestimateFee() async {
    final params = {
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "API_key": apiKey,
      "method": "estimatesmartfee",
      "id": "fee_${}",
      "params": [2]
    try {
      final cl = http.Client();
      final res = await""),
          body: jsonEncode(params),
          headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
      final json = jsonDecode(res.body);
      if (json["error"] == null) {
      return json["result"]["feerate"].toString();
    } catch (e) {
    return "";

this is my Complete code, and used the spent address Type , but i still get error like before. i see other lib has sign header in network, like this

const network = {
  messagePrefix: '\x19Dogecoin Signed Message:\n',
  bech32: 'dc',
  bip44: 3,
  bip32: {
    public: 0x02facafd,
    private: 0x02fac398,
  pubKeyHash: 0x1e,
  scriptHash: 0x16,
  wif: 0x80,

Does my mistake have anything to do with this?

Immmmmmortal1 commented 1 month ago

D6FoqUcqevrCgKUsejxDJNudVaebQ6pGk6 this address is also unspent address