mruettgers / SMLReader

ESP8266 based smart meter (SML) to MQTT gateway
GNU General Public License v3.0
289 stars 67 forks source link

Wlan will not work #22

Closed FluppFish closed 3 years ago

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

Hello Michael, thank you for your cool Project! But i have a problem with my wlan credentials.

SSID: Aquarium
PASS: X{dfe5%-+xI_2%s"fd0v2}=$9{]z#S?0X@8qERT54.s6G5W>\GhB*(&$?j6=2fw

SMLReader will not login to my accesspoint and do not publish something on my mqtt server.

If i use easyer login data like SSID: Aquarium PASS: asd123ASD it will work.

Do you have a solution for that?

I tried to escape the " and the \ 

but this also will not work...

Thank you for your help... Best regards Markus

benniju commented 3 years ago

First of all, I hope that this is not you real password, you should really remove that if that's the case. Maybe you could try enabling the DEBUG Mode and look at the output?

Possibly the password is just too long for the default ESP8266 WiFi library?

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

For sure this is not my real wlan password! Only the special charters are the same...

The length of the password shouldn't be the problem. I thested the file from MakeMagazinDE and it worked with hard coded credentials. I only had to escape the" and the\.

syssi commented 3 years ago

It could be an issue of the configuration layer (IotWebConf). May be the POST payload of the configuration form isn't decoded properly. Could you try to print the stored password as debug output at the serial line? Do you see a difference between the input and output?

ostpol commented 3 years ago

As a workaround, try this:

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

Leider bin ich nicht so fitt. Anbei mal der debugoutput beim start: {d<\0>dœŸ|<\0>Œ$à|<3><\f><\f><\f>„<4>lì<\f>c|Žƒ<3>ì<19>“{›#Œ<\f>b„ûogždooœãä<4>b<28>pì‡l{lslxògà<16><3><4><\f>‚<\f>d<4>Œœ<\f><4><4>c<\f>gã|<3>dä<\f><\f>Žb„ûggï<\0>d„‡l<3><27><18>gn<4>l<2><7><3>n{›’g<4><4>c<\f>œ<15>d<14>{›Ûg<\f><4>c<\f>œ<15>dÜc{c<\f><\f>ŽàãÄÛ<3>üƒoœ<3>Setting up 1 configured sensors...<\r><\n>Initializing sensor 1...<\r><\n>Initialized sensor 1.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'.<\r><\n>Sensor setup done.<\r><\n>Setting up WiFi and config stuff.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT server.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT port.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT username.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT password.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT topic.<\r><\n>Config size: 685<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcThingName'= 'SMLReader'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcApPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcWifiSsid'= 'Aquarium'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcWifiPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcApTimeout'= '30'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttServer'= ''<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttPort'= '1883'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttUsername'= 'FluppFish'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttTopic'= 'aquarium/smartmeter'<\r><\n>Setup done.<\r><\n>State changing from: 0 to 2<\r><\n>Setting up AP: SMLReader<\r><\n>Use password: <\r><\n>AP IP address:<\r><\n>State changed from: 0 to 2<\r><\n>Connection to AP.<\r><\n>Request for redirected to<\r><\n>Request for redirected to<\r><\n>Request for redirected to<\r><\n>`

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

I think i found the problem.

Max size of the html password field is 32 charters...

And now - any idea how to solve it?

syssi commented 3 years ago

If we assume the library is able to store more than 32 chars you could use the developer tools of your browser to manipulate this value (once). Remove the parameter or increase the maxlength. Fill the form and press submit. If 32 chars is a hard limit the POST endpoint must be checked / changed / fixed (if possible).

mruettgers commented 3 years ago

This issue seems to be caused by a limit in the IotWebConf library, that is used for WiFi configuration:

You might be able to override this limit this way in main.cpp:

#include <IotWebConf.h>
FluppFish commented 3 years ago

Unfortunatelly it will not work.

I downloaded the latest src. Added the "#define IOTWEBCONF_PASSWORD_LEN 65" above the #include of the IotWebConf.h Used the .\d1_mini_debug\firmware.bin for program the esp8266.

Debug output is:

sd<\0>lœŸ|<\0>Œdà|<3><4><\f><\f>Œ<4>dä<\f>c|ǃ<3>ä<27>’s“cŒ<\f>cŒóooŸl'nœâä<\f>c<28>p„l{d;lpûgà<24><3><4><4>ƒ<\f>l<4>„œ<\f><\f><\f>#<4>oâ|<2>lä<4><\f>‡cŒóooî<\0>l„$<3><27><27>og<\f>d<3><15><2>gsÇ“›o<\f><\f>c<4>œ<14>d<7>s“›o<\f><\f>c<4>œ<7>lœbsc<4><\f>‡àã„›`<3>üƒoœ<2>Setting up 1 configured sensors...<\r><\n>Initializing sensor 1...<\r><\n>Initialized sensor 1.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'.<\r><\n>Sensor setup done.<\r><\n>Setting up WiFi and config stuff.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT server.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT port.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT username.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT password.<\r><\n>Adding parameter MQTT topic.<\r><\n>Config size: 685<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcThingName'= 'SMLReader'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcApPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcWifiSsid'= 'Aquarium'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcWifiPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'iwcApTimeout'= '30'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttServer'= ''<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttPort'= '1883'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttUsername'= 'FluppFish'<\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttPassword'= <\r><\n>Loaded config 'mqttTopic'= 'aquarium/smartmeter'<\r><\n>Setup done.<\r><\n>State changing from: 0 to 2<\r><\n>Setting up AP: SMLReader<\r><\n>Use password: <\r><\n>AP IP address:<\r><\n>State changed from: 0 to 2<\r><\n>Did not receive an SML message within 30 seconds, starting over.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'.<\r><\n>State changing from: 2 to 3<\r><\n>Connecting to [Aquarium] (password is hidden)<\r><\n>State changed from: 2 to 3<\r><\n>Did not receive an SML message within 30 seconds, starting over.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'.<\r><\n>Giving up.<\r><\n>State changing from: 3 to 2<\r><\n>Setting up AP: SMLReader<\r><\n>Use password: <\r><\n>AP IP address:<\r><\n>State changed from: 3 to 2<\r><\n>Start sequence found.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'READ_MESSAGE'.<\r><\n>End sequence found.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'READ_CHECKSUM'.<\r><\n>Message has been read.<\r><\n>State of sensor 1 is 'PROCESS_MESSAGE'.<\r><\n>Message is being processed.<\r><\n>SML file (1 SML messages, 42 bytes)<\n>SML message 101<\n>OBIS data<\n>State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'.<\r><\n>

[cut by FluppFish]

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

Could you try to print the stored password as debug output at the serial line?

Could you please explain me how to do this?

benniju commented 3 years ago

Well, I think it's supposed to be in the debug output where it says 'iwcWifiPassword'= that you have posted before. So my guess is that it's not stored correctly.

syssi commented 3 years ago


FluppFish commented 3 years ago

I tested it - there is no output. And it is still not working. Giving up for the moment - have to think in change my AP password...

syssi commented 3 years ago

What did you do in detail? May be there are some more steps required to enable the debug mode of the underlying library:

mruettgers commented 3 years ago

Side note:
In the upcoming version of SMLReader I will use instead of IotWebConf. Then there won't be a limit of 32 chars by default anymore.

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

What do you think - when the first beta will be available for your new version?

FluppFish commented 3 years ago

Is a known bug.

-> Issue could be closed from my side...