mruettgers / SMLReader

ESP8266 based smart meter (SML) to MQTT gateway
GNU General Public License v3.0
292 stars 68 forks source link

Static Sensor Readings #3

Closed ostpol closed 4 years ago

ostpol commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael,

thanks for building SMLReader and making it available to the public!

I've just set up my SMLReader with a selfmade IR head that was used with Volkszähler and a Raspberry Pi before. The meter is a DWS 7412.1.

Just to be clear:

power_current is the currently consumed power? power_out is the overall consumption? power_in is produced power?

SMLReader receives data and the connection to my MQTT server works, but the readings MQTT receives are static:

iot/smartmeter/metric/power_current/value is allways 27000 iot/smartmeter/metric/power_out/value is allways 9223372036854775807 (should be arround 5760)

I noticed, that power_out readings are going from 5460 to 54602362 to 546023624746 to 9223372036854775807 after boot.

Serial output is:

State is 'wait_for_start_sequence'.
Start sequence found.
State is 'read_message'.
End sequence found.
State is 'read_checksum'.
Message has been read.
1B 1B 1B 1B 01 01 01 01 76 05 48 32 66 04 62 00 
62 00 72 63 01 01 76 01 01 02 31 0B 0A 01 44 5A 
47 00 02 81 87 15 72 62 01 65 03 E7 DD A9 62 02 
63 76 31 00 76 05 49 32 66 04 62 00 62 00 72 63 
07 01 77 01 0B 0A 01 44 5A 47 00 02 81 87 15 07 
01 00 62 0A FF FF 72 62 01 65 03 E7 DD A9 74 77 
07 01 00 60 32 01 01 01 72 62 01 62 00 62 00 52 
00 04 44 5A 47 01 77 07 01 00 60 01 00 FF 01 72 
62 01 62 00 62 00 52 00 0B 0A 01 44 5A 47 00 02 
81 87 15 01 77 07 01 00 01 08 00 FF 64 1C 01 04 
72 62 01 62 00 62 1E 52 FF 65 03 6F A4 71 01 77 
07 01 00 10 07 00 FF 01 72 62 01 62 00 62 1B 52 
FE 53 99 36 01 01 01 63 0B 38 00 76 05 4A 32 66 
04 62 00 62 00 72 63 02 01 71 01 63 A1 88 00 00 
1B 1B 1B 1B 1A 01 4D F3 
State is 'process_message'.
Found metric 'power_in.'
Found metric 'power_current.'
Publishing message to 'iot/smartmeter/metric/power_in/value':
Published metric 'power_in':
  Value: 30
  Unit: 98
  Scaler: 0
Publishing message to 'iot/smartmeter/metric/power_out/value':
Published metric 'power_out':
  Value: 5460236247467294720
  Unit: 30
  Scaler: -30
Publishing message to 'iot/smartmeter/metric/power_current/value':
Published metric 'power_current':
  Value: 27
  Unit: 98
  Scaler: 0

The readings in the serial output are static too.

Is the problem related to the scaler? Why are power_out and especially power_current static?

I'm a mess in reading (or writing) code. That's why I'm asking here instead of just read the code by myself.

Best reagrds und bleib gesund, T

mruettgers commented 4 years ago

Hey T,

thank you for your detailed report.

Regarding to your question

Just to be clear:

power_current is the currently consumed power? power_out is the overall consumption? power_in is produced power?

Well, it depends on the metrics defined in config.h. The name can be choosen freely and is just used as part of the MQTT topic.

The manual of your meter says it provides the overall consumption by using the OBIS identifier 1.8.0, which should result in a config like:

// DGZ  DWS74/DVS74
static const metric METRICS[] = {
    {"consumption", {0x77, 0x07, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0xFF}}};

Related to the debug output, you seem to be using the default config without any adjustments, and thus SMLReader is expecting metrics not being provided by the meter.

I did not really take care of this case which is now resulting in publishing an uninitialized variable exponentiated by another uninitialized variable for the metric "power_out". So this is indeed a bug :-).

But nevertheless I'm wondering why the value of "power_in" is not being updated properly, although it refers to the value of the OBIS identifier 1.8.0 (assuming you are using the config of my meter).

I'll have a deeper look at the binary data as soon as possible to try to figure out what's going on here.

Maybe it is related to some known issues with those kind of meters:

Danke, bleib Du auch gesund.

Many regards,


ostpol commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael,

thank you for your quick response.

Yes, config and code are 100% untouched. I thought it was worth a try.

Let me know if you need more debug output or other informations. I'll try to dig into the specifics of my meter too.

mruettgers commented 4 years ago

Hey Tony,

the good news is, that the SML-Datagram seems to contain the correct value for your consumption (57648241). The bad news is that I did not have the time to figure out what's going on yet, but I'll keep you posted.

I'm also taking into consideration to get rid of the static configuration in favor of parsing the whole SML message to publish all information available. But this will take some time, I guess.


mruettgers commented 4 years ago

My tests with and your test data look promising so far..

srv-01 ➜  /var/tmp  docker run -it --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /var/tmp:/src --rm mruettgers/esptool ash -c "esptool --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dout 0x00000 /src/smltest1.bin && /dev/ttyUSB0 115200" v2.8
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 84:0d:8e:ab:af:4e
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash params set to 0x0340
Compressed 273328 bytes to 197206...
Wrote 273328 bytes (197206 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 17.6 seconds (effective 124.2 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...
--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0  115200,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
1-0:96.1.0*255#0a 01 44 5a 47 00 02 81 87 15 #

mruettgers commented 4 years ago

@ostpol I just pushed a first working draft to Feel free to test. And thanks for the coffee :-).

MB-Monty ➜  ~  mosquitto_sub -h -v -t smartmeter/mains/#
smartmeter/mains/info Hello from 00C7551E, running SMLReader version 1.0.1.
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:1.8.0/value 3469015.0
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:2.8.0/value 13.2
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:1.8.1/value 0.0
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:2.8.1/value 13.2
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:1.8.2/value 3469015.0
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:2.8.2/value 0.0
smartmeter/mains/sensor/1/obis/1-0:16.7.0/value 302.2
ostpol commented 4 years ago

@mruettgers Wow! I'll test it tomorrow.

ostpol commented 4 years ago

@mruettgers I just flashed the new version. Works like a charm.

Vielen Dank, lass dir den Kaffee schmecken & bis bald!