mruettgers / SMLReader

ESP8266 based smart meter (SML) to MQTT gateway
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WIFI config not saved correctly #30

Closed btmerz closed 2 years ago

btmerz commented 2 years ago

Hello, after uploading the project I've connected to the AP and entered the WIFI values, and MQTT password and so on. All fields were correctly filled and I received the message "Configuration saved. Please disconnect from WiFi AP to continue!". After Restart of the ESP I received the following Info in the debug window: Initializing sensor 1... Initialized sensor 1. State of sensor 1 is 'WAIT_FOR_START_SEQUENCE'. Sensor setup done. Setting up WiFi and config stuff. Adding parameter MQTT server. Adding parameter MQTT port. Adding parameter MQTT username. Adding parameter MQTT password. Adding parameter MQTT topic. Config size: 749 Wrong config version. Missing or invalid config. MQTT publisher disabled. Setup done. AP password was not set in configuration State changing from: 0 to 1 Setting up AP: SMLReader With default password: AP IP address: State changed from: 0 to 1 Connection to AP.

And I can't connect to the ESP by WIFI. When I upload the precompiled version then it works as expected...

What could be wrong there? Thanks for your help!

mruettgers commented 2 years ago


can you provide some details about the character lengths (and the use of special chars) of the configuration params? Especially the one of the passwords (WiFi/MQTT)? Thanks.


btmerz commented 2 years ago

Hi, my wifi password consists of 20 numbers and the MQTT password has 11 digits, with upper and lower case characters, one number and a ! But with the precompiled version it works!?

KShips commented 2 years ago

Did you add a AP password whens setup? I had same issue and then realized password couldn't be blank. Adding password fixed issue. Using V2.2.0

btmerz commented 2 years ago

Yes, I added also a AP password similar to the MQTT password...

btmerz commented 2 years ago

Are there any new ideas? The problem still exists. All I want to change is, that i get the power consumption in kWh and noch in Wh... But I can't get acces to the ESp with my changed version.

btmerz commented 2 years ago

It seems, that there is another config version stored in the ESP which is not compatible with my compilation. Is there a way to completely erase the ESP memory-areas?

btmerz commented 2 years ago

Meanwhile I have solved the problem -anyhow... I took the firmware.bin file from the project folder and flashed it with the esptool as described in the main page. No it works... So the problem is, that the upload tool in platformio doesn't erase epecific areas in the ESP memory.


mruettgers commented 2 years ago

Hm, that sounds strange. In case of similar issues in the future, you can use a tiny sketch to clear the EEPROM ( As far as I know the IotWebConf library will ignore the contents of the EEPROM when the version of the config changes (here defined in config.h ). Maybe that would be also worth a try.

btmerz commented 2 years ago

Now, as I have the right config running, I can upload directly from PlatformIO. I also changed the config version before, with no positive result. Stange...