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Homey Z-Wave Neo Coolcam Support
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Parameter input problem #275

Open janhal opened 6 months ago

janhal commented 6 months ago

Hi all! I have a problem with device parameter input. The Neo Z-wave Repeater parameters id 3 & 4 (temp- & hum offset) range is -120 ~ 120 according to manual. Setting a positive value saves ok but negative value does not ( in iOs app - no explanation) In the web app the parameter edit box gets a red border as soon a neg. value is inserted. Tested it in my old controller (Telldus) which saved negative values ok. Best regards Jan

janhal commented 6 months ago

Adding an Aeotec Sensor 6 to system reveals the same problem there. So this might be an Athome problem though I can´t find anything about it. Sorry to bother / Jan