mrusme / gomphotherium

Gomphotherium (/ˌɡɒmfəˈθɪəriəm/; "welded beast"), a command line Mastodon client.
GNU General Public License v3.0
83 stars 3 forks source link

introduce user pics #9

Open pookzilla opened 1 year ago

pookzilla commented 1 year ago

Before I go too far down this rabbit hole and have the PR cleaned up I wanted to run this past you because it's a pretty significant departure from your original vision. I'm proposing UI changes as follows:

with user images disabled

snip for privacy

with user images enabled

snip for privacy

I wasn't originally intending move the toot ID to the right but I spent far too long trying to fix the alignment issues brought on by runewidth not reliably measuring the width of certain emojis. The problem is sidestepped by just putting it somewhere else and not worrying about right alignment.

At any rate, if you're ok with this change I'll get it cleaned up and performant.

mrusme commented 1 year ago

I like the idea! I think I'd go for slightly smaller avatars though, but maybe that could be made configurable. In any way feel free to change it this way, I think it's a lot better than what I put in place. 👍🏼

pookzilla commented 1 year ago

super, thanks! And ya, the avatars definitely need some tweaking - My shell is usually much larger so they aren't so conspicuous but they're a bit much on a small display :)