mrvanes / pMDQ

pMDQ test based on Flask-WebSub
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Unable to Build using Dockerfile on Centos #1

Open al-lewis99 opened 4 years ago

al-lewis99 commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to build the code on a Centos VM and the docker-compose fails at the first hurdle. I changed the Dockerfile to use Centos:latest as opposed to debia:buster. I get the following error: docker-compose build --force-rm Building hub Step 1/13 : FROM centos:latest AS websub-base ERROR: Service 'hub' failed to build: Error parsing reference: "centos:latest AS websub-base" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format

AS far I'm aware the tag is valid, so what is the problem?

mrvanes commented 4 years ago

Don't change the base image, the RUN line in de Dockerfile will fail as it's extremely debian specific. Running Debian dockers on Centos is no problem, the image is self-contained and contains everything needed to run Debian within the docker container.

al-lewis99 commented 4 years ago

Hello Martin,

Yes thanks. That was a stupid mistake on my part I should have realised it was containerised.

Best regards


Alan Lewis

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From: Martin Sent: 30 January 2020 17:29 To: mrvanes/pMDQ Cc: Alan Lewis; Author Subject: Re: [mrvanes/pMDQ] Unable to Build using Dockerfile on Centos (#1)

Don't change the base image, the RUN line in de Dockerfile will fail as it's extremely debian specific. Running Debian dockers on Centos is no problem, the image is self-contained and contains everything needed to run Debian within the docker container.

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