mrvladus / Errands

Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.
MIT License
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Duplicated tasks after failed drag and drop #181

Closed benmordecai closed 7 months ago

benmordecai commented 7 months ago

Under some conditions, drag and drop to rearrange tasks fails. Typically, this is when you try to scroll while dragging. This causes the drop indicator to remain visible even after letting go of the mouse click and the drop indicator remains visible until the program is exited and restarted.

Upon restart, the task list has duplicate copies of every task. However, this duplication is local to Errands and is not pushed to the server, which still only has one copy. There is no apparent method to make the duplicates go away.

benmordecai commented 7 months ago

If you check as complete the duplicate tasks and try to use "Delete All Completed Tasks" the option to Delete All Completed tasks remains grayed out

mrvladus commented 7 months ago

@benmordecai When you check task is task duplicate checks too?

benmordecai commented 7 months ago

No, the tasks act as distinct tasks that check separately

mrvladus commented 7 months ago

@benmordecai can you test the new 45.1.7 version from flathub? I did some stuff with sync, maybe it's fixed now.

benmordecai commented 7 months ago

Seems to be fixed, thanks!

mrvladus commented 7 months ago

Great! Closing then.