mrvladus / Errands

Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.
MIT License
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Notifications do not go off on due date/start date #254

Closed ColbyB722 closed 2 months ago

ColbyB722 commented 2 months ago

When a date is set for a task's due date, the "task is due"notification will go off around 30 secs to a minute after the date is set no matter the date.

When the date and time condition is met (If I have a task due on the 3rd of May at 3:00pm) no notification is sent.

Here is an example of the first issue:

It's May the 5th today, and I've just set up this task and set it's start and due date

Screenshot from 2024-05-05 17-01-24

I then get a notification that the task is due even though it does not start until way later in the day and isn't due until tomorrow

Screenshot from 2024-05-05 17-01-41

mrvladus commented 2 months ago

Yep, can confirm, I'll look into it

mrvladus commented 2 months ago

Fixed in ce59dd734d8c702307e3fc016d361ad245d99bca, will be in the next update.