mrwu-mac / EoID

Repo for the paper ''End-to-End Zero-Shot HOI Detection via Vision and Language Knowledge Distillation (AAAI2023)''.
Apache License 2.0
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training under fully supervised and UO zero-shot settings #7

Closed PradKalkar closed 1 year ago

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Hi. Thanks for your work!

Would you please guide me if I have to set up a training script for training EoID under fully supervised setting? What dataset file should I be using for that? Also, if I want to evaluate on UO setting, is there any dataset file in the code which can be directly used? If not, would you please suggest what dataset file needs to be modified to construct the one for UO?

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

For fully supervised setting: is original dataset file of CDN for fully supervised setting. In addition, there is still room for improvement to avoid noise from CLIP logits for the fully supervised setting.

For UO setting: there is not a UO dataset file in our code. It is better to construct UO dataset file based on

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I have few more questions -

  1. When you say improvement, you are talking about in the context of model, right? And not in the file?
  2. What is the difference between and
mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago
  1. Yes.
  2. We update hico_ua_st from v1 to v2, making it more general and clearer.
PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much @mrwu-mac for the answers!

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Hi. Just a small question again. What is the difference between the dataset files "hico_uc_base" and "hico_uc_st"? For UC setting, which one to use, could you please tell?

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

We have updated, please uncomment 'EoID UC setting' for UC training.

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago


PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Hi. Would you kindly confirm whether it is necessary to update as well for training in UO setting? I personally think that it may not be necessary, but still wanted a confirmation since I am not really sure. I have updated the file as you suggested. So, would it be fine if I pass "--dataset_file hico_ua_st_v2" now into the shell script for UO training without updating the file?

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

No. It is only necessary to update set_ua_hois() in your UO dataset_file. The is universal for hico unseen setting. We will update the name of the later.

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

I think an update to "get_ua" function to return just the empty list is also necessary in the dataset file (hico_ua_st_v2) for UO setting, in addition to the update you suggested, right?

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

The get_ua() is used to determine which samples belong to Unseen. So you can update it according to your needs.

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

While training the model in the UO setting, should we be using the same value for the "pretrained" argument (DETR pretrained weights) as used in file provided?

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

It's a little bit out of our scope. Under the UO setting of the most previous works, the object detector(such as pretrained DETR) has seen all the objects including unseen objects, and the HOI model is only need to combine the actions with unseen objects for UO setting. In my opinion, this is also need to combin the novel object detection into the HOI model.

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply!

PradKalkar commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrwu-mac. I have created a pull-request for the file in the UO setting. Would you please take a look at it and merge it accordingly in your repo if everything is fine? If there are any issues, please let me know. It will be helpful for training and testing EoID in UO setting.

mrwu-mac commented 1 year ago

Sorry, we currently have no plans to merge it, and we don't have additional computing resources to verify it, you may try to verify it yourself.