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I2C Device disabled when using DMMD, enabled with Inbox Driver. #43

Closed dulfe closed 7 years ago

dulfe commented 8 years ago

I just started looking into the Lightning provider and the first thing I tried by I2C and I found an issue. The I2C device (returned by DeviceInformation) shows it as DISABLED but when using the Inbox Driver shows as ENABLED.

I have a RBPi2 B with Windows 10 IoT 10.0.14393.67

I enabled DMMD Driver and created a simple program that makes reference to:

Also enabled the extensions:

Modified Package.aspxmanifest with

  IgnorableNamespaces="uap mp iot">
    <Capability Name="internetClient" />
    <iot:Capability Name="lowLevelDevices" />
    <DeviceCapability Name="109b86ad-f53d-4b76-aa5f-821e2ddf2141"/>

And with the following code:

public MainPage()

    if (LightningProvider.IsLightningEnabled)
        LowLevelDevicesController.DefaultProvider = LightningProvider.GetAggregateProvider();


private async Task CreateAsync()
    var aqs = I2cDevice.GetDeviceSelector("I2C1");

    var i2cDevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqs);
    var i2cDevices_ManualAQS = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync("System.Devices.InterfaceClassGuid:=\"{a11ee3c6-8421-4202-a3e7-b91ff90188e4}\" AND System.DeviceInterface.Spb.ControllerFriendlyName:=\"I2C1\"");
    var allDevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync();

    foreach (var device in allDevices)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{device.Id}  - {device.Name}");

i2cDevices does not return any devices, but i2cDevices_ManualAQS returns 1 which is DISABLED (I manually changed the AQS to include enabled and disabled devices) and the allDevices shows there is a I2C1 device in it (\\?\ACPI#MSFT8000#1#{a11ee3c6-8421-4202-a3e7-b91ff90188e4}\I2C1)

If I changed the driver to Inbox Driver i2cDevices has 1 device and it is ENABLED.

So, either DeviceInformation is returning incorrect data or the I2C device is not enable with using Lightning.

Thank you!

MahmoudGSaleh commented 7 years ago

DMAP and the inbox drivers are mutually exclusive. The default (inbox) I2C driver as well as the SPI and GPIO ones are disabled when DMAP driver is enabled through the device portal.

So, the code above will not work. Instead please use the sample at :

            // Set the Lightning Provider as the default if Lightning driver is enabled on the target device
            // Otherwise, the inbox provider will continue to be the default
            if (LightningProvider.IsLightningEnabled)
                // Set Lightning as the default provider
                LowLevelDevicesController.DefaultProvider = LightningProvider.GetAggregateProvider();
            // The code below should work the same with any provider, including Lightning and the default one.
            I2cController controller = await I2cController.GetDefaultAsync();
IoTGirl commented 7 years ago

Hello Dulfe, I am closing this issue based on the answer given. Please reopen if it does not address your problem. Sincerely, IoTGirl