ms7m / notify-py

:speech_balloon: | A simple Python Module for sending cross-platform desktop notifications on Windows, macOS and Linux
MIT License
262 stars 26 forks source link

Release publishing workflow issues #43

Open knthm opened 2 years ago

knthm commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to package this python module for a Linux distro and there are some issues I've noticed with your published packages:

  1. Source releases don't include a copy of the MIT license the MIT license requires you provide a copy of the LICENSE file when you distribute your module
  2. Some releases published on PyPI aren't published on GitHub retrieving the source releases for packaging from GitHub brings lower maintenance overhead and better transparency than retrieving them from PyPI
  3. Release file naming isn't very packager friendly the module is named notify-py, yet the published release file names are notify_py, inconsistencies like this increase the verbosity of the packaging definitions and maintenance overhead
ms7m commented 2 years ago

Hey @KloudJack, sorry for the late response!

Source releases don't include a copy of the MIT license the MIT license requires you provide a copy of the LICENSE file when you distribute your module

Agreed, I'll get this in the next release.

Some releases published on PyPI aren't published on GitHub retrieving the source releases for packaging from GitHub brings lower maintenance overhead and better transparency than retrieving them from PyPI

I agree, I'll update the CI workflow to also do a Github release.

Release file naming isn't very packager friendly the module is named notify-py, yet the published release file names are notify_py, inconsistencies like this increase the verbosity of the packaging definitions and maintenance overhead

Unfortunately, i did initially tend the package to be installable over "notify_py" but pip automatically changes any underscores to dashes. If there is an alternative solution that makes it easier for you guys to package it up, I'm happy to help.