msDesc / consolidated-tei-schema

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updates and additional documentation #64

Closed holfordm closed 1 year ago

holfordm commented 1 year ago

updated values: "roll-codex" for objectDesc/@form and "drawing" for decoNote/@type additional documentation: barcodes and microfilm; additional guidance on usage of decoNote elements; additional guidance re language encoding

andrew-morrison commented 1 year ago

You've added "drawing" to the table in "Description of the Decoration" section but not to the list in the elementSpec for decoNote (which is what Oxygen uses to suggest values.) Conversely, the table lacks "illustration", "initial", "marginal", "micrography" and "other" which are in the elementSpec.

Neither contain the following, each of which have been used at least ten times in Medieval records:

holfordm commented 1 year ago

"drawing" now added to elementSpec. marginal, micrography, etc. I think are Fihrist values. A full update of the controlled attribute values is pending; this update is mostly to add "drawing", which is a relatively high-use term, as a drop-down value in Oxygen.

andrew-morrison commented 1 year ago

I've rebuilt the schema files and documentation.

Testing against the Bodleian's various TEI catalogues, and Fihrist, the only new validation errors are one in Fihrist (which is correctly identifying a misused attribute) and one in MS_Junius_121.xml in Medieval. If you open than in Oxygen and select Document > Validate > Validate with... then use for the URL, you'll see that changes in core TEI P5 now requires the hand attribute to be a URL. The same goes for several other attributes but, as it only actually tests that they don't contain any spaces, they don't fail validation if they're a string value.

For the documentation, I've tweaked the HTML style (to display tables with borders) and used a different method to generate the PDF (which encodes the table of contents so it'll appear in a sidebar in most PDF viewers.)

If anyone else (Cambridge?) needs to test the new schema, they can use the temporary raw URL above. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll merge this branch and do a release on Tuesday morning.