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Email the authors of 2015 IEEE paper for dataset queries (1) #14

Closed msaadq closed 7 years ago

msaadq commented 7 years ago


  1. Email authors for dataset
  2. Email authors for #12
  3. Email authors for #13
msaadq commented 7 years ago

Emails sent to 1st author and 3rd author. Here is the content for reference:

This is in reference your publication in IEEE conference held last year:

We are students of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. We are planning to implement your research on our hardware to see if we are able to replicate your results. While reading your paper, we ran into some ambiguities and we were hoping that you could address them:

1) In page no. 23 (#2 of the paper) of the journal, you mention the use of an adaptive filter (B) to minimize the motion artifacts. Now, since we have 3 different PPG waves of different wavelengths, are we required to make 3 different adaptive filters to deal with them or should we make a single filter and feed it the time division multiplexed signal as input?

2) In page no. 26 (#5 of the paper) of the journal you mention the following formula: Inline image 1 Now, assuming 'a', 'b' and 'c' to be the PPG signals for 1070nm, 950nm and 935nm respectively, what should be the order (m x n) and schema of these matrices and how many PPG samples are included in them?

3) And finally, can we get access to the training dataset that you used for training the ANN model, so that we can validate the results using the software before moving towards the hardware implementation?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best, -- Saad

msaadq commented 7 years ago

Another batch of emails sent to the following addresses:

The content of the email is:

This is in reference your publication in IEEE conference held last year:

We are students of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. We are planning to implement your research on our hardware to see if we are able to replicate your results.

Can we get access to the training dataset that you used for training the ANN model, so that we can validate the results using the software before moving towards the hardware implementation?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best, -- Saad