msaari / relevanssi

Relevanssi, a WordPress plugin to improve the search
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does `relevanssi_words` option need to be autoloaded? #19

Closed lkraav closed 4 years ago

lkraav commented 4 years ago

Hi. Doing an options table performance analysis with I've discovered that relevanssi_words is now the top sized (120 kB) option.

Is it required to autoload on every request, or could Relevanssi load it only within its usage context?

msaari commented 4 years ago

No, it doesn't need to be autoloaded, and it's already fixed for Premium 2.8.0.

lkraav commented 4 years ago

@msaari I'm now noticing 2.8.0 hasn't been released yet. Wondering if I should just hand-mod the autoload status of this row or wait for the release?

msaari commented 4 years ago

2.8.0 is finished and is currently in testing; I'm just having some problems with Composer, otherwise I would've released it already... So it's coming soon.

lkraav commented 4 years ago

Updated to 2.8.0 today, but relevanssi_words is still showing up autoloaded in the database alert query.

I updated via wp plugin update, also tested "Save the options" button Relevanssi admin page, but nothing changes.

Changelog doesn't mention any manual action being needed, so wondering if this is a bug or what the process is getting this row updated?

msaari commented 4 years ago

There's no action to make it not autoload, but when it expires and the new option is created, it's no longer autoloaded. You can manually adjust the current option in the database table if you want the change to take effect immediately.

Adjusting the existing option felt unnecessary, since it wouldn't be needed permanently and it is an expiring option, so this problem will take care of itself within 30 days.