msalibian / RobStatTM

Companion package to the 2nd edition of the book "Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods"
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The locScaleM Man Page #10

Open robustport opened 3 months ago

robustport commented 3 months ago

This locScaleM function Man Page needs to be improved considerably. In particular:

(1) The Description paragraph is much too brief, e.g., in comparison with the Description for the scaleM function

(2) The Details paragraph not at all sufficient for this function, e.g., in comparison with the Details paragraph for scaleM. Among other things, the Details should include a clear description of the "disper" estimator returned by locScaleM.

msalibian commented 2 months ago

The help documentation for locScaleM is in the file MLocDis.R (lines 1-39).