msantos / epcap

Erlang packet capture interface using pcap
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
178 stars 56 forks source link

Invalid decoding of Window size #12

Closed josemic closed 10 years ago

josemic commented 10 years ago

Here is the code I use to decode the packet:

        Header = epcap_port_lib:header(Hdr),
        {flags, Flags} = lists:keyfind(flags, 1, Header),
        Syn = lists:member(syn, Flags),
        Ack = lists:member(ack, Flags),
        Fin = lists:member(fin, Flags),
        Rst = lists:member(rst, Flags),
            {seq, Seqno} = lists:keyfind(seq, 1, Header),
            {ack, Ackno} = lists:keyfind(ack, 1, Header),
            {win, Win} = lists:keyfind(win, 1, Header),
            [Ether, IP, Hdr, Payload] = epcap_port_lib:decode(pkt:link_type(DLT), Packet),
            PayloadLength = byte_size(Payload),

The windows-size does not seem to be decoded correctly: {Ack=true,Syn=false,Fin=false,Rst=false,SeqNo=2200786594,AckNo=2223605307,Win=331}, {{"",52024},{"",80}}, 1, {1381,693845,846187}, 66, Payload=<<156,199,166,109,119,220,0,37,34,169,124,93,8,0,69, 0,0,52,150,193,64,0,64,6,17,222,192,168,178,30, 173,194,113,155,203,56,0,80,131,45,86,162,132,137, 134,59,128,16,1,75,80,38,0,0,1,1,8,10,0,97,251,10, 203,114,28,43>>, PayloadLen= 0},

Wireshark shows the Win-size as: 42368 instead of the window size 31 shown by Epcap. In wireshark screenshot below the packet is highlighted.

Here is a screenshot from both: screenshot from 2013-10-13 22 14 00

PS: I guess this applies to other packets too, but I have not checked it.

ates commented 10 years ago

pkt is correctly decodes the Window Size field in TCP packet. But actual value of Window Size is calculated in runtime as Window Size (331) * Scaling Factor (128) = 42368

The value of Scaling Factor should be present in some previous SYN packet as an option.

msantos commented 10 years ago

RFC 1323 discusses window scaling:

josemic commented 10 years ago

Thanks. I was not aware of that when reading RFC 793.

RFC 1323 on Scaling factor:

      TCP Window Scale Option (WSopt):

         Kind: 3 Length: 3 bytes

                | Kind=3  |Length=3 |shift.cnt|

Here the msanto/pkt code:

    <<SPort:16, DPort:16,
      Off:4, 0:4, CWR:1, ECE:1, URG:1, ACK:1,
          PSH:1, RST:1, SYN:1, FIN:1, Win:16,
      Sum:16, Urp:16,
) when Off >= 5 ->
    {Opt, Payload} = options(Off, Rest),
        sport = SPort, dport = DPort,
        seqno = SeqNo,
        ackno = AckNo,
        off = Off, cwr = CWR, ece = ECE, urg = URG, ack = ACK,
            psh = PSH, rst = RST, syn = SYN, fin = FIN, win = Win,
        sum = Sum, urp = Urp,
        opt = Opt
    }, Payload};
        sport = SPort, dport = DPort,
        seqno = SeqNo,
        ackno = AckNo,
        off = Off, cwr = CWR, ece = ECE, urg = URG, ack = ACK,
            psh = PSH, rst = RST, syn = SYN, fin = FIN, win = Win,
        sum = Sum, urp = Urp,
        opt = Opt
    }) ->
    Pad = ((Off - 5) * 4 - byte_size(Opt)) * 8,
    <<SPort:16, DPort:16,
      Off:4, 0:4, CWR:1, ECE:1, URG:1, ACK:1,
          PSH:1, RST:1, SYN:1, FIN:1, Win:16,
      Sum:16, Urp:16,
      Opt/binary, 0:Pad>>.

options(Offset, Payload) ->
    N = (Offset-5)*4,
    <<Opt:N/binary, Payload1/binary>> = Payload,
    {Opt, Payload1}.

Payload1 consists of elements of the format: <<Kind:8, Length:8, PayloadKind/Length:binary>> , where the Scale factor matches: <<Kind=3:8, N=1:8, Scalefactor/N:binary>>.

Is there a smart way to decode this than looping the options fields for the TCP options for items like the Scale-factor in the application? Any chance to extent msanto/pkt to decode the scale factor?

ates commented 10 years ago

Added to my local repo the code to decode TCP options:

1> Data = <<203,56,0,80,131,45,69,72,0,0,0,0,160,2,57,8,20,142,0,0,2,4,5,180,4,2,8,10,0,

2> pkt:tcp(Data).
{#tcp{sport = 52024,dport = 80,seqno = 2200782152,ackno = 0,
      off = 10,cwr = 0,ece = 0,urg = 0,ack = 0,psh = 0,rst = 0,
      syn = 1,fin = 0,win = 14600,sum = 5262,urp = 0,
      opt = [{window_scale,[{shift_count,7},{multiplier,128}]},
ates commented 10 years ago

@josemic, is it ok for you? If yes, I will implement decoding of all possible options and make a commit.

ates commented 10 years ago

Added decoding of TCP options to new branch (tcp_opts) in msantos/pkt

josemic commented 10 years ago

Ok. I'll test it and provide feedback.

josemic commented 10 years ago

What is the purpose of that fixed constant?:

Likely you mean:

But using math provides a float and is slow. Please use integer only operations: such as bsl: E.g.:

ates commented 10 years ago

My fault, yep, should be used shift count value. I wil fix this today

ates commented 10 years ago

Done, please test.

josemic commented 10 years ago

According to this document page 10, the scale factor shall be limited to 14. I think this should be handled by pkt library too, but it might be useful to set an error flag in case the bit has been cut off at the value 14.

I am not sure whether the multiplier value is useful, as the scaleshift can be directly applied to the window.

ates commented 10 years ago

Do you have ideas how to do that in the better way? Which error flag should be set? Should pkt library raise the exception in this case (badarg, function_clause)?

msantos commented 10 years ago

The change looks good to me!

Some comments:

Naming the keys in the option proplist is tricky. It looks like they follow the options names in the RFCs with spaces and dashes converted to underscores. As long as it is consistent, I think that works well.

ates commented 10 years ago

I agree with the first comment. I will update encode function for TCP. Also I will try to add some tests.

ates commented 10 years ago

@msantos what do you think about some refactoring of pkt project? I don't like the idea of having all the functions in one module. I believe what have separate modules per protocol would be more better, something like tcp_codec, sctp_codec, which has encode/decode functions.

What do you think about that?

josemic commented 10 years ago

@msantos: Ok. That makes sense too. Nevertheless it might make sense to put a comment into the code and refer to RFC 1323 to cut it off at 14 in the application.

To make it work with real traffic, I had to add the following change: decode_tcp_options(<<0:8, 0, Rest/binary>>, Acc) -> decode_tcp_options(Rest, Acc);

Additionally I believe we should add some change like the following to make it future proof: decode_tcp_options(<<_Any:8, Len:8, _Payload:Len/binary-unit:8, Rest/binary>>, Acc) -> decode_tcp_options(Rest, Acc).

Still I am a little bit concerned that a packet with invalid option field e.g. during payload transfer cashes the decoding of the whole packet. This could be used to bring the epcap-based IDS like eNose down or out of sync for this connection, while the real clients remain active.

msantos commented 10 years ago

@ates sure, I think that is a good idea if we can keep the top level functions in pkt (ether/1, tcp/1, ...). There aren't that many functions in pkt.erl, so we can maintain it by hand or generate the module if it grows.

msantos commented 10 years ago

@josemic agreed. The encode should also pass through binary options.

About the crashes, yes, that is a huge issue. There are many places in pkt though where an invalid packet will not match. For example, if someone sets the "evil" bit in a TCP header, tcp/1 will throw a function_clause exception.

The functions could be wrapped in a try/catch. Maybe pkt should have something like that?

decode(Bin) ->
    try decapsulate(Bin)
        error:_Error ->
            {error, einval}

decode({Fun, Data}) ->
    try Fun(Bin)
        error:_Error ->
             {error, einval}

It still means eNose will have to recover somehow. I suppose eNose could trigger by default on indecipherable packets.

ates commented 10 years ago

@josemic maybe, but in case if we receive not implemented options we should implement they. Right now, decode_tcp_options/2 function does not handle all the options, because I not found all of them in pcap file provided by you.

I believe it's not good idea to just skip unknown options, we should crash in that case, so usage of try-catch would be not bad.

ates commented 10 years ago

@josemic could you please send me the pcap file with packets which has options not decoded by pkt?

josemic commented 10 years ago

@ates: It's on the way. For now it is ok. But for an IDS it is not an option. I guess there it must be configurable. It might be rule dependent, whether specific invalid data is ignored or evaluated as good as possible.

ates commented 10 years ago

Add decoding of End of Option List TCP option: msantos/pkt@64f2ed028788f307225b104c07dae44678542a6a

josemic commented 10 years ago

Works. Please merge with master.

ates commented 10 years ago

@msantos if no objections, I will squash changes from tcp_opts branch into one commit and merge to master.

msantos commented 10 years ago

Still needs the encode clause:

1> P = <<224,105,149,59,163,24,0,22,182,181,62,198,8,0,69,0,0,54,2,108,64,
1>               0,53,6,172,243,173,192,82,195,192,168,213,54,0,80,143,166,75,154,
1>               212,181,116,33,53,92,128,24,0,126,60,199,0,0,1,1,8,10,92,104,96,
1>               16,22,69,237,136,137,0>>.
2> [#ether{}, #ipv4{}, #tcp{} = TCP, _] = pkt:decapsulate(P).                     
[#ether{dhost = <<224,105,149,59,163,24>>,
        shost = <<0,22,182,181,62,198>>,
        type = 2048,crc = 0},
 #ipv4{v = 4,hl = 5,tos = 0,len = 54,id = 620,df = 1,mf = 0,
       off = 0,ttl = 53,p = 6,sum = 44275,
       saddr = {173,192,82,195},
       daddr = {192,168,213,54},
       opt = <<>>},
 #tcp{sport = 80,dport = 36774,seqno = 1268438197,
      ackno = 1948333404,off = 8,cwr = 0,ece = 0,urg = 0,ack = 1,
      psh = 1,rst = 0,syn = 0,fin = 0,win = 126,sum = 15559,
      urp = 0,
      opt = [{tsopt,[{timestamp,1550344208},
3> pkt:tcp(TCP).
** exception error: bad argument
     in function  byte_size/1
        called as byte_size([{tsopt,[{timestamp,1550344208},
     in call from pkt:tcp/1 (src/pkt.erl, line 344)

It looks like we need to allow passing through options as a binary too. For example, if someone wants to use quickcheck to test a TCP/IP stack they would want to test TCP options with values from <<0...0>> to <<255...255>>. At the moment, they wouldn't have a way of expressing that. And if we allow binaries in an encode, we have to allow them in a decode:

#tcp{opt = Bin} = pkt:tcp(pkt:tcp(#tcp{opt = Bin})).

So I think we need to add the encode before we merge to master, since this will break functionality for some users. I can take a look at it this weekend and can begin adding some tests.

josemic commented 10 years ago

I have not tested with IP6 packets jet? Are there any IP6 specific TCP-options? I can switch my router to IP6 to test that. Should we do that before merging?

josemic commented 10 years ago
[_EtherIgnore, IP, Hdr, Payload] = pkt:decapsulate({pkt:link_type(DLT), Packet}),
case IP of
        #ipv4{len = Len1, hl = HL} = IP ->
                #tcp{off = Off} = Hdr,
                PayloadSize = Len1 - (HL * 4) - (Off * 4);
    #ipv6{} ->
        PayloadSize = byte_size(Payload)

With the above workaround (hack) I have successfully tested ipv6 packets. No packet decoding failures occurred so far.

msantos commented 10 years ago

@josemic that is pretty much what you have to do. You can wrap it in a function:

[_EtherIgnore, IP, Hdr, Payload] = pkt:decapsulate({pkt:link_type(DLT), Packet}),
PayloadSize = payloadsize(IP, TCP, Payload),

payloadsize(#ipv4{len = Len, hl = HL}, #tcp{off = Off}, _Payload) ->
    Len - (HL * 4) - (Off * 4);
payloadsize(#ipv6{}, #tcp{}, Payload) ->

The minimum size of an IPv6 header is 40 bytes + 20 bytes TCP means you shouldn't see the frame padding.

The correct way would be something like:

[_EtherIgnore, IP, Hdr, Payload] = pkt:decapsulate({pkt:link_type(DLT), Packet}),
PayloadSize = payloadsize(IP, TCP),

payloadsize(#ipv4{len = Len, hl = HL}, #tcp{off = Off}) ->
    Len - (HL * 4) - (Off * 4);
% jumbo packet
payloadsize(#ipv6{len = 0, next = Next}, #tcp{off = Off}) ->
    % XXX handle jumbo packet here
payloadsize(#ipv6{len = Len, next = ?IPPROTO_TCP}, #tcp{off = Off}) ->
    Len - (Off * 4);
% additional extension headeres
payloadsize(#ipv6{len = Len, next = Next}, #tcp{off = Off}) ->
    % XXX handle extension headers here
msantos commented 10 years ago

What do you think of keeping the options field as a binary and exporting a function to encode/decode it (tcp_options/1 or options/1)?

The fork of pkt in the flowforwarding linc switch removed some of the conversions of binaries to other types, for example, IP address to tuple. I am thinking of doing this too in the future:

So instead of having the IPv4 saddr and daddr converted to a tuple automatically, pkt would provide helper functions:

addr(<<A,B,C,D>>) ->
addr(<<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16>>) ->
addr({A,B,C,D}) ->
addr({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) ->
josemic commented 10 years ago

@msantos : to message 1) :

Should likely be:

[_EtherIgnore, IP, TCP, PayloadPadded] = pkt:decapsulate({pkt:link_type(DLT), Packet}),
PayloadSize = payloadsize(IP, TCP),
Payload = <<PayloadPadded:PayloadSize/binary>>.

to message 2): I like your suggestions. I am looking for a similar option that check the package checksum. However I am not sure, whether it is better placed in pkt as erlang code or in epcap as C-code.

ates commented 10 years ago

@msantos I like idea of keeping the tcp options as a binary, if no objections I want to do that.

ates commented 10 years ago

Updated tcp_opts branch with adding tcp_options/1 functions. Please review and test.

josemic commented 10 years ago

@ates: You have removed the multiplier. That makes things simpler. Reviewed and tested. Works fine.

msantos commented 10 years ago

@josemic thanks for the correction! I will either add an example to the README or add a new function (payloadsize/1) to pkt.

About the checksum, there is a makesum/1 function:



test() ->
    Frame = <<224,105,149,59,163,24,0,22,182,181,62,198,8,0,69,0,0,54,2,108,64,

    [#ether{}, #ipv4{sum = IPSum} = IP, #tcp{sum = TCPSum} = TCP, Payload] = pkt:decapsulate(Frame),

    IPSum = pkt:makesum(IP#ipv4{sum = 0}),
    TCPSum = pkt:makesum([IP, TCP#tcp{sum = 0}, Payload]),
    {IPSum, TCPSum}.

Calling makesum/1 with the original header should return 0:

0 = pkt:makesum(IP),
0 = pkt:makesum([IP, TCP, Payload]).

But the makesum/1 function sets the sum record field of the header to 0 for the caller. I am going to push a change to remove that.

msantos commented 10 years ago

@ates looks great! Thanks!

ates commented 10 years ago

I'm happy :)

ates commented 10 years ago

Guys, what's next? Is this issue completed?

msantos commented 10 years ago

@ates sure go ahead and merge and close this issue.

@josemic if you come across other issues with pkt, please file under the pkt repo.

For reference, the other issues that were brought up:

ates commented 10 years ago

I will merge and close this issue today.

ates commented 10 years ago
