Open trukhilio opened 5 years ago
Same problem for me. I've submit a pull request to fix this yesterday.
I'm still getting the odd instance of this error, even with the latest patch. I'm using peerlibrary:reactive-publish and I suspect the error only occurs occasionally when a user either logs out or closes the tab.
I might try inserting a line:
var connectionData = isMeteor1_8 ? Meteor.default_server.sessions.get(connectionId) : Meteor.default_server.sessions[connectionId];
if (!connectionData) return result;
var collectionViews = isMeteor1_8 ? connectionData.collectionViews.get('users').documents.get(instance.userId) : connectionData.collectionViews.users.documents[instance.userId];
Also, the pedant in me wants to move the var isMeteor1_8 = Meteor.release.match('1.8') !== null;
outside of _getCache()
so that it's only done once!
Hi, I updated meteor to 1.10.2 and this bug appears again, maybe it's because it's match to 1.8 and not gte 1.8
It appears that this package is abandoned. I anticipated this issue with Meteor 1.10 a year ago but PR hasn't been merged yet. You could copy my fork into your packages folder.
From my fork which explains this issue:
// check meteor version. Be forwards compatible for future major and minor versions also.
// Note that 1.10 < 1.8 so need to convert to 110 and 108 for comparison
var isMeteor1_8 = Meteor.release.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
isMeteor1_8 = (isMeteor1_8[1]*100 + isMeteor1_8[2]*1) >= 108;
Or you could replace it with my newer package wildhart:mergebox-cache which works on all collections, not just Meteor.users
@wildhart thank you! Will try your package.
Hey, @msavin. Thank you for the fine package! I updated the meteor to 1.8.1 and received this error.
Inspected a little bit and what I found out:
is undefined bc
object has been changed from{'connectionId': { Session: { collectionViews: { ... }}}}
toMap { 'connectionId' => Session { ... }}
and now we have to get the value likeAnd new method wouldn't work for previous meteor 1.8. Hope this info will help you.