msawczyn / EFDesigner2022

Entity Framework visual design surface and code-first code generation for EF6, Core and beyond
MIT License
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Add ability to globally add and remove exposed foreign key properties to entities #37

Open msawczyn opened 3 years ago

msawczyn commented 3 years ago

From the marketplace:

[Jason]: ... I found myself needing the foreign key field on all the associations. Can I make a suggestion that the designer set the Foreign Key Property to [TargetEntity]Id by default unless user overrides?

[Michael]: I'm not a big fan of foreign key generation for the entities. They're really not an organic part of the model, and are only there to support the persistence mechanism. It's entirely possible to have a storage mechanism where they're not only not needed, but not possible, so that kind of change goes against the spirit of the extension. That being said, I can see adding the ability to globally add them on command; say, with a context menu command on the designer surface.