Designating an object to be a member of an Entity subclass such as Association, rather than just an Entity, seems to be equivalent to creating a Fact that "X was an association", so there will still be a way to accomplish the same thing if the feature is removed.
But if it stays in, I don't know how to represent the concept that Rule A applies to Association X notwithstanding the fact that Rule A was about a regular Entity rather than an Association.
In the Introduction notebook, I wasn't able to do this:
Designating an object to be a member of an Entity subclass such as Association, rather than just an Entity, seems to be equivalent to creating a Fact that "X was an association", so there will still be a way to accomplish the same thing if the feature is removed.
But if it stays in, I don't know how to represent the concept that Rule A applies to Association X notwithstanding the fact that Rule A was about a regular Entity rather than an Association.
In the Introduction notebook, I wasn't able to do this:
And I can't think of any reasonably easy way to do it.