mschack / VCV-Rack-Plugins

Plugins for VCV Rack
MIT License
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Master Clock Module #19

Open blackearth2014 opened 6 years ago

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago


Have you ever thought about developing your own clock generator for your sequencers? I for one wouldn't mind seeing what you can do with a 3x LFO for the triad sequencers or a 6x LFO for the 6x 32 trigger sequencer. Maybe this way we can fake a Euclidean sequencer model.

mschack commented 6 years ago

haha, just working on a 6 channel clock. All based on the same internal clock pulse but each channel will have x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x9, x12, x16, x24, x32 and divide for the same amounts. Also each channel can be clocked by an external clock. Was also thinking of adding a "Human" Knob to slightly vary the clock. Any other ideas?

mschack commented 6 years ago

You must be in my head, I was also going to call it Master Clock.

mschack commented 6 years ago

right now I am working on an LED digital display to show BPM

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

The time clock that you creating is great. If I may, can you make the interface a little bigger, especially the LED's. The human feel button will be the bomb. Also if possible, if you plan to implement the sine, triangle, saw and square as waveform additions, can you put a little box above or below to invert the waveform. For example, the triangle will be inverted upside down. Some how I will find some use for that.

Can you add a counter module as well.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Also another idea, the filters that you are using for Eq's on the mixers, can you develop them into a module, with CV for each bandwidth and self oscillation with a V/OCT input control.

mschack commented 6 years ago

yes the interface will be big.
The filter module is an interesting idea, I will think about that.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Will you still be able to implement the chaining of the mixers.

mschack commented 6 years ago

I have been pondering that, need to make a little more room which means redrawing the faceplate. It is in the queue

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Its truly not needed. That is just a personal request not a community need.

mschack commented 6 years ago

I've had another request for that as well. Would chain the AUX as well.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Wow, Cool Breeze.

mschack commented 6 years ago

any other modules you can think of. I would like to make some monster delay with tons of settings, kind of inspired from UHE's MFM

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Now you are in my head. You should check these guys out with their crazy delays and taps at

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Your ping pong delay is already wicked. Just add some LFOs to the feedback parameters like ohmboys.

mschack commented 6 years ago

lol, 39 LFOs.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Trust me when I tell you. I use to use that effect when it first came out over 15 years ago and it was banging then. I made some crazy dance tracks with. It just became officially beast mode.

mschack commented 6 years ago

My ping pong delay is getting better, especially when I added the sync clock, but It still doesn't do that nice crisp 8th triplet bounce that I am looking for. Best I ever heard I think was in Rebirth

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

The LFO is the secret sauce to a banging delay.

mschack commented 6 years ago

I was pondering making an LFO module with something like a 8 by 8 LFO grid where you can link them together somehow. I have no idea how that would work but it seemed cool in my head. lol.

mschack commented 6 years ago

Right now my delay doesn't explicitly pan it just feeds back the delayed left channel audio to the right and vice versa. Perhaps just simply panning the delayed signal back and forth would work better, then I could incorporate the use of LFOs.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

You can add some 1x8 input mults and 2x8 input mults, Evelope Generators, S&H with FM inputs modules, and FM modules.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

"8 by 8 LFO grid where you can link them together somehow" - I love the idea.

mschack commented 6 years ago

With a random button of course...

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Of course

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

This is a video of a track that I had written over a year ago when I was living in Cleveland before moving to Buffalo, NY at The main software was Tantra at

If you can find a way to do the basic action of this vst as a module, you will be untouched.

mschack commented 6 years ago


blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Here is another old track. Just listen to the sounds and you can see where I am coming from as weird sonic texture and sequencing at

mschack commented 6 years ago

never thought a clock could get so complicated...

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Are you the only developer or do you have a partner to help.

mschack commented 6 years ago

It's just me. I was recently laid off from my real programming job. So got lots of time on my hands atm :) Just released it, check it out.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

You are freeeekkkkkk'eeeeee awesome. This thing goes far beyond my expectations and bag of Doritos. I give you props. I got to let the facebook folks know now.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

You got to go into business for yourself, REAL TALK.

mschack commented 6 years ago

That is the goal hopefully. Right now just learning all of it, VCV Rack interface etc. I would like to get "serious" about it when they release 1.0. Thanks for the comments!

mschack commented 6 years ago

The ARP next?

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

By the way. The Master clock is doing the grid that I wanted with Euclidean algorithms. The chaining of the Master clock is absolutely pure genius.

mschack commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Give it a good run through, tell me when it breaks.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

The grid timing is not needed anymore now that the Master Clock has all those features built in as far I can tell or maybe now.

mschack commented 6 years ago

So the arp next. Know of any vids for reference?

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

I had posted video in another thread. Do you want me to post them here to.