mschack / VCV-Rack-Plugins

Plugins for VCV Rack
MIT License
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Minor Feature Requests #24

Open blackearth2014 opened 6 years ago

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Seq 3x16 will have (16x3rd power) steps variations. Seq 6x32 will have (16x*6th power) steps variations.

mschack commented 6 years ago

-Adding Freq CV to drums -Random button to 3xOSC is difficult since the way the knobs work they were not meant to be set to a value and actually change position, except when you do a global randomize. I want to add my own knob control soon so I can do what I want with it. -Adding Notch filters -Adding the ability to change the max step with each pattern to the 6x32 sequencer. Can't do it on the 3x16 because right now the max step is global and affects all channels. -You can actually use the V/OCT out of the 3x16 sequencer to modulate parameters. If you need to attenuate the output then use a Befaco Dual Attenuator to adjust the value.

mschack commented 6 years ago

CV on the drum freq sounds pretty cool actually.

mschack commented 6 years ago

Done Also added the max step per pattern to the triad2 keyboard

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Its all good. Major Thanks

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Here is a video link to your latest updates that I had used thus far at

mschack commented 6 years ago

I am not on facebook.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Which facebook are you on?

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Sorry. I read your post wrong. I will send you a another link.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Here is my YouTube account link for the the music comp at

mschack commented 6 years ago

Very cool, thanks. Sounds like the cosmic radio tuner :) Hammering the SEQ 3x16 nice to see...

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Thanks!!! I will continue to push the envelop on your devices as time goes by.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago


How can we choose the exact tempo in the Master Clock device? It takes a few seconds just to select 121 from 120. You always wind up with the sub numbers over or under.

The Seq 3x16 has a copy feature from step to step, but what if I wanted to copy step 4 to 8 & 12. Is there a way to do that without painstakingly trying to match each slider and pattern from one step to a skipped step.

How would I be able to copy one pattern to another in the Seq Triad 2 device. I am not seeing a copy like the Seq 3x16. If space is an issue, I can work around it.

Many Thanks, Omar Brown

mschack commented 6 years ago

Use CTRL when turning a knob to do finer increments.

No you can only copy to next on SEQ 3 and the Triad sequencer I actually had the same thing but removed it.

Let me think about how to copy to a specific pattern.

mschack commented 6 years ago

Perhaps hit copy with the current pattern selected and then the next pattern you select it will copy to.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Its not working for me. I will try another way.

mschack commented 6 years ago

oh the copy thing was just an idea, haven't implemented it yet.

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Oh Okay, Sorry.