mschack / VCV-Rack-Plugins

Plugins for VCV Rack
MIT License
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Mixer issues #39

Open blackearth2014 opened 6 years ago

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

Fedor Tkachev Omar Brown Hello, please ask Mr. mscHack if he could fix CV inputs for gain and pan on his mixers. The problem is that Pan CV input requires +20V and - 20V to reach 100% to the left and 100% to the right respectfully. The Midi to CV modules output is from 0 to 10V, so it would be better if far right pan was 0V, and far left was 10V.

The same goes for the Level CV in, only it requires +30V to reach full gain.

mschack commented 6 years ago

Ok. Question, should the CV be in complete control or only be an offset to the current level?

blackearth2014 commented 6 years ago

I would think complete control for full automation I guess.

a1laserboy commented 6 years ago

I've seen a lot of modules that give a kind of gain knob that limits the influence of the incoming signal. But that would be impossible to implement in your current modules without a great deal of work.

Does it not make sense for full left to be 0v and right to be 10v (the opposite of the suggested way), as your (and everyones including real mixers) dial the pan to the left and to the right which would equate to low value is left, high is right.

I know it wasn't your suggestion Omar, just pointing it out.

mschack commented 6 years ago

I guess pan goes bi-directional because you want 0 as no pan. But I guess there are a multitued of ways to implement this

a1laserboy commented 6 years ago

Good point.

Fundamental VCO1 outputs -5.4 to +5.4 so -5 +5 makes much more sense.

For gain maybe 0-5v would make sense.