mschack / VCV-Rack-Plugins

Plugins for VCV Rack
MIT License
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Request: SEQ 3x16 #43

Open Coirt opened 6 years ago

Coirt commented 6 years ago

I like using this sequencer and it would be fantastic if the pattern CV IN could detect LFO levels and not just loop through all patterns when an LFO is detected. It would be great if hooking up an LFO could be scalable to the pattern.

FYI (I send a 4x clock to the master in on sequencers in VCV to get 1/16 steps...) If I attenuate a Uni LFO to +2.5v it could loop through patterns 1-4. To give you 32 steps. Each pattern change would equate to 0.625v on a 10v Uni LFO. If the pattern modulation was scalable it would make life a little easier.

Hooking up an attenuator and using the offset with a sine LFO switches through the corresponding voltages. Square wave pattern 1 and the corresponding voltage e.g. 1 then 3, 5 then 12 etc

Also if there was a button to lock/unlock the sync of the pattern changes that could be a nice effect for patterns and as a plus would help you sync LFO to the clock. (send a clock to the seq and run, hook up an LFO to the Pattern and try to sync the changes with the tempo.)