mschermann / data_viz_reader

A Reader on Data Visualization
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Section lacking cohesiveness #1505

Open harizhisham opened 5 years ago

harizhisham commented 5 years ago

The 3 points in this section aren't very cohesive in supporting Tufte's Design Principle. It makes a reference to Gestalt laws without explicitly expanding on why the principles of grouping are important or relevant.

Then, it mentions graphics will improve over time. What does this have to do with utilizing on layering? It might be a good guideline for a data viz project as a whole, but not within the context of layering within a viz.

Finally, the last point is not cohesive in thought process - needs to be reworked.

Suggested fix:

Go back to Tufte's Principle #6 and really communicate the core idea of that principle.