mschindler83 / fints-hbci-php

A PHP library to communicate with FinTS / HBCI Servers
MIT License
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Request Failed: Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. (TRE) 9050 #93

Open drstil opened 6 years ago

drstil commented 6 years ago

Thank you for creating this great project!

I'm using the current fints-hbci-php library and got an Request Failed: Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. (TRE) 9050 error when my bank account has a lot of transactions by calling getStatementOfAccount(). This is because of touchdowns, which the result has. If I comment out line 179 in Fhp/FinTs.php, then the error is gone (= no touchdowns). I have one touchdown when the error occurs:

array(1) { ["HKKAZ"]=> string(32) "20171212000011+00000096717,81F V" }

So it seems that there is an error in the message, when the touchdown is added. I compared the normal message and the message of the touchdown:

Normal message:


Touchdown message:


Is there maybe a part in the message missing?

Do you need more information?

Thank you and best!

ampaze commented 5 years ago

Having the same problem also with GLS. @drstil Did you ever fix this?

ampaze commented 5 years ago

Found the problem, the touchdown identifier contains a "+" which needs to be escaped when used in a message send to the server.

In other words in the method FinTs::getStatementOfAccount replace the parameter $touchdowns[HKKAZ::NAME] for the $this->createStateOfAccountMessage call with $this->escapeString($touchdowns[HKKAZ::NAME])
