mschlenstedt / LoxBerry-Plugin-Smartmeter

Apache License 2.0
3 stars 7 forks source link

Please add new counter. IskraMT382 #13

Closed gmkey closed 4 years ago

gmkey commented 5 years ago

On my RPi3 I've hacked the following counter into the, but I'm not sure if this is correct (what is the difference between baudrate and startbaudrate?

Could you please add it? Second question: are you planning to upgrade the plugin to the new gui format (as I would love to make a dutch translation.)

elsif ( $protocol eq "iskraMT382d0" ) {

### Defaults
our $baudrate = 9600 if !$baudrate;
our $startbaudrate = 9600 if !$startbaudrate;
our $databits = 7 if !$databits;
our $stopbits = 1 if !$stopbits;
our $parity = "even" if !$parity;
our $handshake = "none" if !$handshake;
our $timeout = "10" if !$timeout;
our $delay = "2" if !$delay;
our $preinitcommand = "";
our $precommand = "";
our $postcommand = "";



blacksun80 commented 4 years ago

Kann geschlossen, werden wenn mein PullRequest übernommen wird.