mschlenstedt / Loxberry

Current stable Branch is: *** Please see Releases *** Current developer Branch is: *** master ***
Apache License 2.0
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Permission denied Apache log #1450

Closed matlab22 closed 1 year ago

matlab22 commented 1 year ago

Dead link: image

Software error:

Cannot open file: Permission denied at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/system/tools/logfile.cgi line 232.

Depending of what you have done, report this error to the plugin developer or the LoxBerry-Core team.
Further information you may find in the error logs. 
mschlenstedt commented 1 year ago

Are you on an upgraded LoxBerry from V2.x or on a fresh installation via DietPi? Which architecture? Raspberry, VM, something else?

matlab22 commented 1 year ago

It is a DietPi clean installation on a Raspberry Pi4. Everything is running from an external SSD.

I have a second Rp4 wich I set up later running on a SD card. And I just checket this raspberry has no issue to show the Apache Log. It might be a problem to my installation.

mschlenstedt commented 1 year ago

Checked on my Developement LoxBerry (DietPi VM) without any problems. As you already said: Must be a problem of your installation.