mschlenstedt / Loxberry

Current stable Branch is: *** Please see Releases *** Current developer Branch is: *** master ***
Apache License 2.0
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configure upstream repo/account in general.json #1469

Closed nufke closed 8 months ago

nufke commented 8 months ago

In order to facilitate testing of Loxberry updates, it would be good to configure the upstream repo/account in the general.json file. Currently this github repo is hardcoded in many files, which makes it quite difficult to point to another account. Please let me know if you would support this request, then I will create a PR for this.

mschlenstedt commented 8 months ago

I merged your changes into

Currently we do not plan to make the repo/account configurable. It's fixed to our main dev repo. But you can configure the branch in general.json via Update.Branch - see

nufke commented 8 months ago

Thanks for updating this branch. Yes I did already use the Update Branch option for early testing using my own master, but for this I had to change the account at several places, not very practical.. In the end it is a chicken-egg problem: how to make sure a PR is tested before it is actually created :-)