mschlenstedt / Loxberry

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LoxBerry WebUI with SSL (443) and self-signed certificate #262

Closed christianTF closed 5 months ago

christianTF commented 6 years ago

no text

johny-mnemonic commented 6 years ago

What about supporting for automated certificate management, instead of only self-signed one?

mschlenstedt commented 6 years ago

I tried letsencrypt in LoxBerry 0.2.3 but they do not support local up addresses and domains. So that is not possible.

mschlenstedt commented 6 years ago

Man muss dann beachten, dass man sowohl ein Zertifikat für die IPAdresse als auch für den lokalen Namen erzeugt.

johny-mnemonic commented 6 years ago

Well, I thought, that main point of having SSL is when you plan to open LoxBerry to the internet and then you will need some domain name anyway.

christianTF commented 6 years ago

Of course, opening to the internet is a reason too. At the first, Self-signed to get familiar with it (users and us), more could follow up.

svethi commented 6 years ago

Hmm, viele aktuelle Browser lassen Verbindungen über selfsigned Certs nicht mehr zu. Da stellt sich die Frage ob es Sinn macht diese noch einzubinden.

christianTF commented 6 years ago

@johny-mnemonic I read a bit at letsencrypt and certbot, and I like it.

johny-mnemonic commented 6 years ago

@christianTF Yeah, what @svethi wrote is another reason to either don't bother with SSL and certificates at all, or provide users with easy way how to have Loxberry protected by signed certificate accepted by modern browsers.

mschlenstedt commented 5 months ago

"Irgendwann" von Svethi implementiert worden.

Noschvie commented 5 months ago

Im wiki habe ich dazu nur einen Abschnitt beim Download Server gefunden.

mschlenstedt commented 5 months ago

LoxBerry-Dienste -> Webserver

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