mschlenstedt / Loxberry

Current stable Branch is: *** Please see Releases *** Current developer Branch is: *** master ***
Apache License 2.0
77 stars 27 forks source link


Open Woersty opened 6 years ago

Woersty commented 6 years ago

This is an issue to follow changes in the translation files. Feel free to follow this issue if you are a translator. You can add / change the string in your language based on this issue to keep your language up2date.

Best regards Wörsty

[DO NOT close this issue]

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -442,9 +442,9 @@
 CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings have been saved."
 CHANGE_WEBPORTCHANGED="The webserver port has been changed successfully."
 CHANGE_ABORTED="Your settings have been discarded."
-WEBSERVERCLEANING="Temporary files have to be cleaned up. Please wait a moment."
-WAITWEBSERVER="The webserver will be restarted using the the new port. This may take a while. Please wait a moment."
+WEBSERVERCLEANING="Temporary files will be deleted and the final configuration will be created."
+WAITWEBSERVER1="The webserver will be restarted using the the new port. This may take a while."
+WAITWEBSERVER2="The web server will now be restarted with the final settings. This may take a while."
 MSG_STEP1="Step 1 successful"
 MSG_STEP2="Everything OK!"
 HINT_REBOOT="SERIAL INTERFACE: For the changes to take effect please reboot."
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
 UI_MSG_NO_ZIP="You have to specify a ZIP file with PLUGIN data."
 UI_MSG_NO_URL="You have to specify a URL with PLUGIN data."
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
-UI_INSTALL_ERR_MAX_FILESIZE=The uploaded file exceeds the limit of 50 MB. This is not allowed.
+UI_INSTALL_ERR_MAX_FILESIZE=The uploaded file exceeds the limit of 150 MB. This is not allowed.
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_WRONG_FILETYPE=The uploaded file has the wrong filetype. Only ZIP archives are allowed.
 ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_TMP="There's not enough RAM in your RAM-disk (/tmp) to extract the ZIP archive. Please reboot and retry. Disk free: "
 ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_ROOT="There's not enough space left in the LoxBerry home folder. Free space: "
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -471,6 +471,7 @@
 MSG_VALINVALID_MINMEM="Only numbers are allowed here."
 WATCHDOGCHANGE_SUCCESS="All settings were saved successfully."

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 SAVE_ERR_PASS_GENERAL_ERROR="Password modification failed. Not changed!"

 ERR_NTP_UNREACHABLE="The NTP timeserver seems to be unreachable under the entered IP address or hostname - please check."
 SAVE_OK_SETTINGS_STORED="Timeserver settings stored. New system date is:"
 SAVE_ASYNC_QUERY_NTP="<b>Querying time</b> - Please wait, this may take up to 30 seconds."
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 ERR_FRIENDLYNAME="The friendly name contains at least one not allowed character. Allowed are letters, numbers * [ ] ( ) ? ! _ - . | # & { } : whitespaces and accented characters. If you think a character could be added to the whitelist, report it <a target='bug' href=''>here</a> and we will have a look."
 HEADING_SENDSTATISTIC=How many LoxBerrys are out there?
 LABEL_SENDSTATISTIC=Send anonymous version info
-HINT_SENDSTATISTIC="We, the developers, are interested on how many people are using LoxBerry. On first boot, LoxBerry generates a random, unique number and will send this key and version number to It is anonymous. We don\'t know that this is <i>your</i> LoxBerry. If you disable it, we'll never take notice about the existence of this LoxBerry. <a href="" target="_blank">See the current statistics.</a>"
+HINT_SENDSTATISTIC="We, the developers, are interested on how many people are using LoxBerry. On first boot, LoxBerry generates a random, unique number and will send this key and version number to It is anonymous. We don't know that this is <i>your</i> LoxBerry. If you disable it, we'll never take notice about the existence of this LoxBerry. <a href="" target="_blank">See the current statistics.</a>"
 CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings have been saved."
 LABEL_SYSINFO="System Information"
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+HELP_NOT_AVAILABLE="No further help available."

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -416,7 +416,12 @@
 CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings have been saved."
 LABEL_SYSINFO="System Information"

@@ -452,6 +457,9 @@
 LABEL_STARTWATCHDOG="Start Watchdog Service"
 HINT_WATCHDOG="The Linux kernel can reset the system if serious problems are detected. This so called watchdog service can be configured here. If your system seems not to be healthy anymore, the kernel will restart (or halt in case of a too high temperature) your system automatically. You can give alarms here when the kernel should reset your system - but most times the defaults given here are fine and there's no need to modify them."
+HINT_LOGGING="This enables logging of cpu temperature and voltage (power supply). Can be used in combination with LoxBerry's healthcheck (see <a href='/admin/system/healthcheck.cgi'>My LoxBerry</a>). Use only during troubleshooting (writes to SDCard!). <a href='/admin/system/tools/logfile.cgi?logfile=/system/watchdogdata.log&header=html&format=template&only=once' target='_blank'>Logfile</a>"
 MSG_VALINVALID_PING="Please enter a valid IP address or a valid hostname here."
 LABEL_PING="Ping Test:"
 HINT_PING="If this host or IP address isn't reachable anymore, the system will be rebooted. We suggest to use your router's IP here. Leave empty to disable the test."
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -56,11 +56,12 @@

+HINT_CUSTOM_IPV6_SETTINGS="Only experts should change IPv6 settings, as wrongly configuring IPv6 may make you unhappy. If network settings are wrong, LoxBerry may stall during reboot until the 5 minute timeout is reached. Prepare to attach a local monitor and keyboard or use a <a href='' target='_blank'>serial console</a>. You have been warned!"
 LABEL_HOSTNAME=Network hostname:
 LABEL_NETWORKING=Network connection:
-SELECT_CABLE=Cabled network (eth0)
-SELECT_WIRELESS=Wireless LAN (wlan0)
+SELECT_CABLED=Cabled network
 BUTTON_NETWORKADAPTER=Show network adapter
 LABEL_WIRELESS=Wireless network name (SSID):
 BUTTON_SEARCHWIFI=Search networks
@@ -70,11 +71,17 @@
 SELECT_IP_USEDHCP=Assign automatically (DHCP)
 SELECT_IP_MANUAL=Enter manually
+SELECT_IP_AUTO_IPv6="Automatic configuation (SLAAC)"
+SELECT_IP_USEDHCP_IPv6=Assign automatically (DHCPv6)
+SELECT_IP_MANUAL_IPv6=Enter IPv6 manually
+ERR_NOVALIDPREFIXLENGTH_IPv6=The prefix length is incorrect.
 LABEL_NETMASK=Subnet mask:
 LABEL_DNSIP=Gateway IP address:
 LABEL_NAMESERVER=Nameserver IP address:
-CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings were saved successfully. To activate the changes, please restart your LoxBerry."
+CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings were saved and applied. To activate the changes, please restart your LoxBerry."
+LABEL_PRIVACYEXT_IPV6="Privacy Extensions (RFC 4941)"
@@ -83,14 +90,19 @@
 ERR_NOVALIDIP="The IP address is invalid. The formatting is, e.g. without blanks."
+ERR_NOVALIDIPv6="The IPv6 address is invalid."
 ERR_NOVALIDNETMASK="The IP netmask is invalid. The formatting is, e.g. without blanks."
+ERR_NOVALIDNETMASK_IPv6="The IPv6 netmask is invalid."
 ERR_NOVALIDGATEWAYIP1="The gateway IP address is invalid. The formatting is, e.g. without blanks."
 ERR_NOVALIDGATEWAYIP2="The gateway IP address is not in your IP subnet:"
 ERR_NOVALIDNAMESERVERIP1="The nameserver address is invalid. The formatting is, e.g. without blanks."
+ERR_NOVALIDNAMESERVERIP1_IPv6="The nameserver address is invalid."
 ERR_NOVALIDWPA="The WPA key is invalid. The length must be between 8 to 63 characters/digits."
 ERR_NOVALIDSSID="The SSID is invalid. The length must be between 1 to 32 characters/digits."
 ERR_DOESNT_MATCH="doesn't match"
 ERR_NOVALIDHOSTNAME="Your hostname is invalid or equal the old name. A hostname can consist of up to 63 characters a-z, A-Z, digits 0-9 and the minus-sign '-'. A hostname must not start or end with a - sign."
+WARNING_NON_RASPBERRY_TITLE="Warning, your LoxBerry seems not to run on a Rasperry"
+WARNING_NON_RASPBERRY_TEXT="In VMs or non-Raspberry hardware, network settings might not be able to be changed in the <i>Network</i> widget, and changing may overwrite your working network configuration. Check the documentation of the image vendor."

@@ -431,6 +443,7 @@
 HEADING_APACHE=Webserver Options
 ERR_WRONG_PORT=The given port is invalid. Select a port between 1 and 65535.
@@ -440,9 +453,11 @@
 HINT_INNER_WEBPORT=Default port is 80
 HINT_WEBPORT=Default port for websites is 80. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's web port.
 LABEL_SSDPENABLED=Publish this LoxBerry as an home automation device
+LABEL_FTP="Enable FTP Server"
 LABEL_SERIAL=Enable Serial Interface
 LABEL_CONSOLE=Enable Serial Console
 HINT_SSDP="LoxBerry will be announced as a home automation device in your network. This is called <i>Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP)</i>. If other devices in your network expierience problems with SSDP, turn this feature off."
+HINT_FTP="LoxBerry provides an FTP Server on port 21 that by default is enabled. FTP is for comfort and not required for normal operation."
 HINT_SERIAL="This enables the hardware serial interface (UART). By default, the UART transmit and receive pins are on GPIO 14 and GPIO 15 respectively, which are pins 8 and 10 on the GPIO header."
 HINT_CONSOLE="This enables a login shell on the serial interface as well as kernel and boot messages on the serial connection. If you would like to use this, please also enable the serial interface above."
 CHANGE_SUCCESS="Your settings have been saved."
@@ -481,6 +496,12 @@
 WATCHDOGCHANGE_SUCCESS="All settings were saved successfully."
+ERR_FTP_SWITCH="Could not change FTP Server state."
+INTRO="Samba is the server providing fileshares on your LoxBerry, that can be accessed (not only) from Microsoft Windows. LoxBerry automatically provides two fileshares to access LoxBerry's data directory. To access the fileshares from Windows, Windows asks for your LoxBerry credentials."
+WORKGROUP_LABEL="Workgroup name"
+WORKGROUP_HINT="This is the Windows Workgroup name. If your Windows computers and LoxBerry are in the same workgroup, your LoxBerry is displayed when you browse your network environment." 

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -684,6 +684,7 @@
 WELCOME=Welcome to <b>LoxBerry - BEYOND THE LIMITS</b>
 VERSION=This is LoxBerry version
+SLOGAN2="Simply do it. Simply with LoxBerry."
 TITLE_STEP1="Step 1 - Welcome to LoxBerry"
 TITLE_STEP2="Step 2 - Admin Settings"
 TITLE_STEP3="Step 3 - Archive your credentials"
TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -292,6 +292,10 @@
 MSG_REBOOT_REQUIRED_LONG=A reboot of your LoxBerry was requested by the system or a plugin.
 MSG_REBOOT_REQUIRED_FURTHER=Further information about this reboot request:
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_RUNNING_UPDATES="LoxBerry is in an installation process and should not shutdown or reboot now. Please wait a moment and refresh the page. Reason for this message is:"
+FORCEREBOOT_HEADER="LoxBerry requests an important reboot"
+FORCEREBOOT_CONTENT="LoxBerry is required to be rebooted because of a pending update. Without a reboot, LoxBerry will stay in an inconsistent state."
+FORCEREBOOT_LBUPDATE_MSG="LoxBerry Update is in the middle of an update and a reboot is necessary to continue. Please reboot LoxBerry."
+FORCEREBOOT_APOLOGY="Please apology, we usually wouldn't disturb you (and only make the power button blink in the footer), but today, it is really important :-)"

TranslationBot commented 5 years ago
 @@ -218,6 +218,12 @@
 LBU_NOTIFY_UPDATE_INSTALL_OK="A new version was installed successfully:"
 LBU_NOTIFY_UPDATE_INSTALL_ERROR="A new version was installed with errors. Please check the logfile what happened. Version tried to install:"
 LBU_UPDATE_WARNING_FOOTER="An update or installation is currently running. Please wait!"
+LBU_UPDATE_CLEARANCE="A newer version of LoxBerry is available, but as the update makes major system changes, this process needs special approvement from you. <b>Before</b> you give clearance for this update:<ul><li>Create a backup of LoxBerry</li><li>Check the compatibility of <b>every</b> installed plugin to this version</li><li>Check compatibility of programs installed by your own</li><li>Prepare to do a restore of your backup if anything fails</li><li>Check the update first with a Test-LoxBerry</li></ul>"
+LBU_UPDATE_CLEARANCE_VERS_MAX="Your LoxBerry allows to update to"

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -401,24 +401,26 @@
 TEXT1="<p>LoxBerry extends your Loxone Smart Home by many interesting and useful features, which can not be provided by the Loxone system itself. These features are realized using LoxBerry plugins, which can be installed later on.</p>"
 TEXT2="<p>The basic system of LoxBerry is free of charge and is maintained by volunteers in their leisure time. The source code is free and is distributed under the Apache 2.0-License. The LoxBerry arose from an idea in the LoxForum (<a href='' target='_blank'></a>).</p>"
-TEXT3="<p><b>If you like and use LoxBerry or use it in commercial circumstances, please think about a donation. We, the developer of the LoxBerry, do not want money. But there are many people who are not as fortunate as us. And these people need our support. Even a little amount helps, to help these people. A donation is quickly done and possible via money transfer, credit card or Paypal:</b></p>"
-DONATE=Please donate:
-LINK_TEXT1="<b>German Child cancer aid society</b>"
-LINK_TEXT2="<b>Doctors Without Borders (international site with country selection)</b>"
-LINK_TEXT3="<b>Doctors Without Borders (UK)</b>"
+TEXT3="<p><b>If you like and use LoxBerry or use it in commercial circumstances, please think about a donation. We, the developer of the LoxBerry, need new Hardware from time to time for testing purposes. For buying the test hardware, we need donations from the community.</b></p>"
+DONORS="Many thanks to all of our donors!"
+DONATE2="More possibilities for donations:"
+LINK_TEXT1="<img src='' border='0' alt='Donate with PayPal button'>"
+LINK_TEXT2="German Child cancer aid society"
+LINK_TEXT3="Doctors Without Borders (international site with country selection)"
+LINK_TEXT4="Doctors Without Borders (UK)"

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
 TEXT3="<p><b>If you like and use LoxBerry or use it in commercial circumstances, please think about a donation. We, the developer of the LoxBerry, need new Hardware from time to time for testing purposes. For buying the test hardware, we need donations from the community.</b></p>"
-DONORS="Many thanks to all of our donors!"
+DONORS="Many thanks to all of our donors!<br><font size="-2">(sequence: newest donations first)</font>"
 DONATE2="More possibilities for donations:"
 LINK_TEXT1="<img src='' border='0' alt='Donate with PayPal button'>"
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -407,6 +407,7 @@
 DONORS="Many thanks to all of our donors!<br><font size="-2">(sequence: newest donations first)</font>"
 DONATE2="More possibilities for donations:"
+DONATIONS="Collected Donations so far:"
 LINK_TEXT1="<img src='' border='0' alt='Donate with PayPal button'>"
 LINK_TEXT2="German Child cancer aid society"
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -519,84 +519,7 @@
 WIDGETLABEL=Plugin Management
-ERR_NOFOLDER_OR_ZIP="You have to specify a folder OR ZIP file with PLUGIN data."
-ERR_FOLDER_DOESNT_EXIST="Plugin folder does not exist."
-ERR_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST="Plugin file does not exist."
-ERR_TEMPFILES_EXISTS="Temporary files already exist."
-INF_START="Starting Plugin installation."
-ERR_ARCHIVEFORMAT="The plugin archive seems to be in an invalid format. Please contact the plugin author or try again."
-ERR_ACTION="You have to specify 'action=install', 'action=uninstall' or 'action=autoupdate'."
-INF_EXTRACTING="Extracting plugin archive"
-ERR_EXTRACTING="Error while extracting from plugin archive."
-OK_EXTRACTING="Plugin archive extracted successfully."
-ERR_PLUGINCFG="Mandatory configuration parameters missing in the plugin archive. Please contact the plugin author."
-OK_PLUGINCFG="All mandatory configuration parameters found."
-ERR_DATABASE="Could not open plugin database or database does not exist."
-INF_ISUPDATE="Plugin is already installed -> proceeding with upgrade."
-OK_DBENTRY="Found free database entry."
-ERR_DBENTRY="No free database entry available."
-INF_PNAME_IS="Using plugin name:"
-INF_PFOLDER_IS="Using installation folder:"
-ERR_SCRIPT="Script finished with errors. I will try to continue installation."
-OK_SCRIPT="Script executed successfully."
-FAIL_SCRIPT="Script fails. Installation cannot be continued."
-INF_CONFIG="Installing configuration files."
-INF_BIN="Installing bin files."
-ERR_FILES="Not all file(s) could be installed successfully."
-OK_FILES="All file(s) were installed successfully."
-INF_TEMPLATES="Installing template files."
-INF_DAEMON="Installing DAEMON."
-INF_FILE_PERMISSIONS="Setting file permissions:"
-ERR_FILE_PERMISSIONS="File permissions could not be set."
-OK_FILE_PERMISSIONS="File permissions set successfully."
-INF_FILE_OWNER="Setting file ownership:"
-ERR_FILE_OWNER="File ownership could not be set."
-OK_FILE_OWNER="File ownership set successfully."
-INF_UNINSTALL="Installing uninstall script."
-INF_SUDOERS="Installing sudoers file."
-INF_CRONJOB="Installing cronjob files."
-INF_DATAFILES="Installing data files."
-INF_LOGFILES="Installing log files."
-INF_HTMLAUTHFILES="Installing htmlauth files."
-INF_HTMLFILES="Installing html files."
-INF_ICONFILES="Installing icon files."
-ERR_ICONFILES="Icons could not be (completely) installed. Using some default icons."
-OK_ICONFILES="Icons installed successfully."
-INF_APTREFRESH="Refreshing APT database."
-ERR_APTREFRESH="APT database could not be refreshed."
-OK_APTREFRESH="APT database refreshed successfully."
-INF_APT="Installing additional software packages."
-ERR_APT="Cannot open APT file."
-ERR_PACKAGESINSTALL="(Some) Packages could not be installed."
-OK_PACKAGESINSTALL="Package installed successfully."
-INF_END="Cleaning and removing temporary files."
-OK_END="All Plugin files were installed successfully and system was cleaned up."
-INF_REMOVING_OLD_INSTALL="Removing old installation."
-INF_INSTALLSCRIPTS="Saving all package installation scripts."
-INF_INSTALLAPT="Saving package apt and dpkg files."
-INF_REPLACEENVIRONMENT="Replacing environment strings."
-ERR_NOPID="You have to specify the PID."
-ERR_PIDNOTEXIST="The PID does not exist."
-INF_START_UNINSTALL_EXE="Executing uninstall script."
 INF_ERRORSUMMARIZE="This is a summary of all errors and warnings during this installation:"
-ERR_ARCH="This system has the wrong architecture."
-OK_ARCH="The system's architecture is supported."
-INF_LBVERSION="Current LoxBerry version: "
-INF_MINVERSION="Installation limited from: "
-ERR_MINVERSION="Minimal required LoxBerry version is greater than current LoxBerry version. Cannot install."
-OK_MINVERSION="Current LoxBerry version is greater than minimal required LoxBerry version."
-INF_MAXVERSION="Installation limited to: "
-ERR_MAXVERSION="Current LoxBerry version is greater than maximal allowed LoxBerry version. Cannot install."
-OK_MAXVERSION="Maximal allowed LoxBerry version is greater than current LoxBerry version."
-ERR_NOPIN="You have to specify the SecurePIN for installation."
-ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
 WARN_HARDCODEDPATHS="The plugin uses hardcoded paths to /opt/loxberry. This may be critical and should be fixed by the Plugin author: "
 INF_REBOOT="This plugin needs a reboot:"
 UI_LABEL_INSTALL_NEW=Install new plugin:<br><small>You can select an URL or a file here.</small>
@@ -614,8 +537,6 @@
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_MAX_FILESIZE=The uploaded file exceeds the limit of 150 MB. This is not allowed.
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_WRONG_FILETYPE=The uploaded file has the wrong filetype. Only ZIP archives are allowed.
-ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_TMP="There's not enough RAM in your RAM-disk (/tmp) to extract the ZIP archive. Please reboot and retry. Disk free: "
-ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_ROOT="There's not enough space left in the LoxBerry home folder. Free space: "
 UI_INSTALL_LABEL_TITLE=Processing installation...
 UI_INSTALL_LABEL_ERROR="An error occurred. The plugin could <b>not</b> be installed."
 UI_INSTALL_LABEL_SUCCESS="Installation finished successfully."
@@ -624,11 +545,6 @@
 ERR_MSG_VAL_SECUREPIN_ERROR="You have to enter your SecurePIN to authorize the installation."
 INF_LAST="Good bye. Enjoy your new plugin!"
-INF_SAVELOG="Saving logfile."
-INF_LOCKING="Locking plugininstall - delaying up to 10 minutes..."
-ERR_LOCKING="Could not get lock for plugininstall. Skipping this installation."
-ERR_LOCKING_REASON="The reason is:"
-OK_LOCKING="Lock successfully set."
 UI_NOTIFY_AUTOINSTALL_DONE="A new version was installed automatically. Version is now"
 UI_NOTIFY_AUTOINSTALL_RELEASE_AVAILABLE="A new release version is available:"
@@ -638,11 +554,6 @@
-ERR_UNKNOWNINTERFACE="The Plugin Interface is unknown. I cannot proceed with the installation."
-INF_DOS2UNIX="Converting all plugin files (ASCII) to Unix fileformat."
-INF_LOGSKELS="Updating skels for Logfiles in tmpfs."
-INF_SHADOWDB="Creating shadow version of plugindatabase."
-ERR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT_PLUGINCFG="Could not parse plugin.cfg. Maybe it has a wrong format."
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -360,9 +360,14 @@
 HINT_USE_CLOUD_DNS="Loxone Cloud DNS is a dynamic DNS service from Loxone. Only activate this, if your LoxBerry should access the Miniserver on a remote location."
 LABEL_MSIP=IP address or hostname:
 MSG_VAL_INVALID_IP="The entered IP address or hostname is invalid. An IP address has the format, e. g."
-LABEL_MSPORT=Port number:
+LABEL_MSPORT="Port number:"
 MSG_VAL_INVALID_PORT="The port number must be in the range of 1 and 65535. The default Miniserver port is 80."
 HINT_MSPORT="Default port is <b>80</b>."
+HINT_PREFERSSL="Plugins supporting https (SSL/TLS) should use https instead of http. Plugins explicitely require to support https, therefore, for legacy, keep your http port enabled. UDP transfer always is unencrypted. <b>Note:</b> Miniserver Gen1 and Miniserver Go <u>do not</u> support https."   
+HINT_MSSSLPORT="The SSL port on Miniserver V2 cannot be changed and is statically linked to <b>443</b>. For remote connections with port mapping, you may want to use another port."
 MSG_VAL_INVALID_CLOUDURL="Please enter a valid MAC address. Example: EEE000xxxxxx oder 504Fxxxxxxxx"
 HINT_MSCLOUDURL="The MAC address of your Miniserver is equal to it's serial number. Get the Miniserver serial number in Loxone Config at the Miniserver properties."
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -399,6 +399,7 @@
 MSG_SCANNING="Scanning local network..."
 MSG_NOTFOUND="No Miniserver found."
 MSG_FOUND="Miniserver found. The IP has been set for the first Miniserver."
+MSG_ERR_MS_SETTINGS_INVALID="Your settings seem to be invalid. Check the validation messages for errors in your settings."
 MSG_CLOUD_NOTFOUND="No configured Miniservers for this MAC address found:"

TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -363,10 +363,10 @@
 LABEL_MSPORT="Port number:"
 MSG_VAL_INVALID_PORT="The port number must be in the range of 1 and 65535. The default Miniserver port is 80."
 HINT_MSPORT="Default port is <b>80</b>."
-HINT_PREFERSSL="Plugins supporting https (SSL/TLS) should use https instead of http. Plugins explicitely require to support https, therefore, for legacy, keep your http port enabled. UDP transfer always is unencrypted. <b>Note:</b> Miniserver Gen1 and Miniserver Go <u>do not</u> support https."   
-HINT_MSSSLPORT="The SSL port on Miniserver V2 cannot be changed and is statically linked to <b>443</b>. For remote connections with port mapping, you may want to use another port."
+HINT_PREFERHTTPS="Plugins supporting https (SSL/TLS) should use https instead of http. Plugins explicitely require to support https, therefore, for legacy, keep your http port enabled. UDP transfer always is unencrypted. <b>Note:</b> Miniserver Gen1 and Miniserver Go <u>do not</u> support https."   
+HINT_MSPORTHTTPS="The HTTPS port on Miniserver V2, usually <b>443</b>. For remote connections with port mapping, you may want to use another port."

 MSG_VAL_INVALID_CLOUDURL="Please enter a valid MAC address. Example: EEE000xxxxxx oder 504Fxxxxxxxx"
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -541,6 +541,7 @@
 UI_MSG_NO_ZIP="You have to specify a ZIP file with PLUGIN data."
 UI_MSG_NO_URL="You have to specify a URL with PLUGIN data."
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
+UI_INSTALL_ERR_SECUREPIN_LOCKED=Your SecurePIN currently is LOCKED OUT. Try again in some minutes.
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_MAX_FILESIZE=The uploaded file exceeds the limit of 150 MB. This is not allowed.
 UI_INSTALL_ERR_WRONG_FILETYPE=The uploaded file has the wrong filetype. Only ZIP archives are allowed.
 UI_INSTALL_LABEL_TITLE=Processing installation...
TranslationBot commented 4 years ago
 @@ -437,6 +437,8 @@
 LABEL_SELECTLANGUAGE=Select your language
 HEADING_FRIENDLYNAME=Give your LoxBerry a Name
+LABEL_SELECTCOUNTRY=Select your country
 LABEL_FRIENDLYNAME="Friendly name for your LoxBerry:"
 HINT_FRIENDLYNAME=This name is shown on top of the web interface to quickly identify your LoxBerry. This is <i>not</i> the hostname (change it in Network). Nearly everything is allowed.
TranslationBot commented 3 years ago
 @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 MSG_WHERE_ARE_SETTINGS="Watching out for system settings? Click it in the navigaton bar on top!"
 MSG_NO_PLUGINS="No plugins! Visit the Plugin Archive!"
+MSG_HTMLTEMPLATE_CACHE_DEAD="LoxBerry ERROR: A problem occoured using the template cache. Possibly your RAM-Disk (tmpfs) is full? Please run LoxBerry Healthcheck"

TranslationBot commented 3 years ago
 @@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
 MSG_WHERE_ARE_SETTINGS="Watching out for system settings? Click it in the navigaton bar on top!"
 MSG_NO_PLUGINS="No plugins! Visit the Plugin Archive!"
-MSG_HTMLTEMPLATE_CACHE_DEAD="LoxBerry ERROR: A problem occoured using the template cache. Possibly your RAM-Disk (tmpfs) is full? Please run LoxBerry Healthcheck"

TranslationBot commented 3 years ago
 @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 MSG_WHERE_ARE_SETTINGS="Watching out for system settings? Click it in the navigaton bar on top!"
 MSG_NO_PLUGINS="No plugins! Visit the Plugin Archive!"
+MSG_HTMLTEMPLATE_CACHE_DEAD="LoxBerry ERROR: A problem occoured using the template cache. Possibly your RAM-Disk (tmpfs) is full? Please run LoxBerry Healthcheck"

@@ -662,13 +663,15 @@
 WIDGETLABEL="Network Shares"
 BUTTON_ADD_SERVER="Add new server"
-BUTTON_DEL_SERVER="Remove server:"
+BUTTON_DEL_SERVER="Remove server"
+HEADING_CONF_SERVERS="Configured Servers"
+HEADING_AVAIL_SHARES="Available Shares"
 BUTTON_ADD_DEBUGLOG="Create Debuglog"
TranslationBot commented 3 years ago
 @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 PANEL_DONATE=Donate? :-)
 PANEL_REMOTE=Remote Support
TranslationBot commented 2 years ago
 MSG_ALLOK=Everything ok!
+MSG_SAVEOK="Settings saved successfully."
 MESSAGE_GENERIC_ERROR="Unfortunately an error occured :-("
 MSG_ARE_YOU_SURE=Are you sure?
@@ -40,13 +41,13 @@
 PANEL_DONATE=Donate? :-)
 PANEL_REMOTE=Remote Support
 TITLE_HELPLINK=Detailed help
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@

-HINT_CUSTOM_IPV6_SETTINGS="Only experts should change IPv6 settings, as wrongly configuring IPv6 may make you unhappy. If network settings are wrong, LoxBerry may stall during reboot until the 5 minute timeout is reached. Prepare to attach a local monitor and keyboard or use a <a href='' target='_blank'>serial console</a>. You have been warned!"
+HINT_CUSTOM_IPV6_SETTINGS="Only experts should change IPv6 settings, as wrongly configuring IPv6 may make you unhappy. If network settings are wrong, LoxBerry may stall during reboot until the 5 minute timeout is reached. Prepare to attach a local monitor and keyboard or use a <a href='' target='_blank'>serial console</a>. You have been warned!"
 LABEL_HOSTNAME=Network hostname:
 LABEL_NETWORKING=Network connection:
@@ -227,7 +228,6 @@

 LABEL_INTRO="If you do not want to change your Webinterface username, password and/or SecurePIN, just leave the fields empty."
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
 MSG_VAL_USERNAME_ERROR="The username must be 3 to 20 characters long and consist of alphanumeric characters."
 HINT_USERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS="The username can be 3 to 20 characters long. Allowed characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 -_"
-MSG_VAL_PASSWORD_ERROR="The password must have minimum 6 characters and consist of at least one upper- and lowercase character and one digit. Allowed optional special characters are -_,.;:!?&()?+%="
-HINT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED_CHARS="Minimum length of 6 characters with at least one lowercase, one uppercase letter and one digit."
+MSG_VAL_PASSWORD_ERROR="The password must not include the following characters: &quot; &apos; &commat; : \ and blanks"
+HINT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED_CHARS="The password must not include the following characters: &quot; &apos; &commat; : \ and blanks"
 LABEL_RETYPE_PASSWORD="Retype password:"
 MSG_VAL_PASSWORD_DIFFERENT=Both passwords are not identical
 HINT_PASSWORD_RETYPE=Please enter the password again to prevent typing issues
@@ -258,22 +258,15 @@
 SAVE_OK_WRONG_PASSWORD=The entered old password seems to be incorrect.
-SAVE_OK_COL_MYSQL=MySQL admin account:
 SAVE_OK_HINT_RED="Save these credentials on a save place."
-SAVE_ERR_EMPTY_USER=You have to enter a username.
 SAVE_ERR_EMPTY_PASS=You have to enter the current password to authorize your changes.
 SAVE_ERR_EMPTY_SECUREPIN=You have to enter the SecurePIN to authorize your changes.
-SAVE_ERR_PASS_NOT_IDENTICAL=Your entered passwords are not identical.
-SAVE_ERR_PASS_WRAPPED="Your new password is just a wrapped version of the old one. Not changed!"
-SAVE_ERR_PASS_IDENTICAL="It seems you've entered the current passwords as new password."
-SAVE_ERR_SECUREPIN_NOT_IDENTICAL=Your entered SecurePINs are not identical.
 SAVE_ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
-SAVE_ERR_NOTHING_TO_CHANGE=You have not entered any changes. Nothing was done.
 SAVE_ERR_GENERAL="LoxBerry returned an error executing your change.<br><br>Details:"
-SAVE_ERR_PASS_TOO_SIMILAR="Your new and old password are too similar. Not changed!"
-SAVE_ERR_PASS_TOO_SHORT="Your password is too short. Not changed!"
 SAVE_ERR_PASS_GENERAL_ERROR="Password modification failed. Not changed!"
+WIZARD_INTRO="Your passwords were changed. <b>Attention!</b> The Root-Passwort (Superuser) is hown here to you <b>vor the very last time</b>. Later on, it is <b>not possible to get or change</b> this password, if you do not now this currently set password. Save it now!"
+WIZARD_HINT="We suggest that you change the default passwords for the web interface and SSH-Login now. That can be done easily in the System settings in the Admin Widget."

@@ -370,7 +363,6 @@
 HINT_PREFERHTTPS="Plugins supporting https (SSL/TLS) should use https instead of http. Plugins explicitely require to support https, therefore, for legacy, keep your http port enabled. UDP transfer always is unencrypted. <b>Note:</b> Miniserver Gen1 and Miniserver Go <u>do not</u> support https."   
 HINT_MSPORTHTTPS="The HTTPS port on Miniserver V2, usually <b>443</b>. For remote connections with port mapping, you may want to use another port."
 MSG_VAL_INVALID_CLOUDURL="Please enter a valid MAC address. Example: EEE000xxxxxx oder 504Fxxxxxxxx"
 HINT_MSCLOUDURL="The MAC address of your Miniserver is equal to it's serial number. Get the Miniserver serial number in Loxone Config at the Miniserver properties."
@@ -431,7 +423,6 @@

@@ -619,25 +610,11 @@

 WELCOME=Welcome to <b>LoxBerry - BEYOND THE LIMITS</b>
-VERSION=This is LoxBerry version
-SLOGAN2="Simply do it. Simply with LoxBerry."
-TITLE_STEP1="Step 1 - Welcome to LoxBerry"
-TITLE_STEP2="Step 2 - Admin Settings"
-TITLE_STEP3="Step 3 - Archive your credentials"
-TITLE_STEP4="Step 4 - What next"
-BUTTON_NEXT_STEP="Continue with step"
-BUTTON_PREV_STEP="Back to step"
-ADMIN_LABEL_INTRO="You can (but you don't need to) change your username for the webinterface, and the passwords for web and SSH access."
-ADMIN_MSG_SKIPPED="You already have changed your credentials therefore this step is skipped. Change your credentials later in the Admin widget."
-FINISHED="Your first settings are done!"
-FINISHED_TEXT1="<b>How to go on:</b>"
-FINISHED_TEXT2="Your LoxBerry is ready to use and secured by new passwords and SecurePIN. Save your passwords carefully! You have to <strong>reboot now</strong> to enlarge your SD-Card!"
-FINISHED_TEXT3="The <b>SecurePIN</b> is an additional PIN code to secure your LoxBerry against intruders that could spy your loxberry password. It secures against new plugin installations and passwort changes."
-FINISHED_TEXT4="For more information on configuring LoxBerry, visit LoxBerry Wiki at"
-FINISHED_TEXT5="Do not forget to <strong>donate</strong>! This is a community project free of charge - Reward <i>our</i> time spent by donating a suitable amount to a <strong>charity organisation</strong>. Visit the Donate! widget. Thank you! And now steep into the new LoxBerry!"
-BUTTON_REBOOT="Reboot to finish your installation"
-ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_ROOT="Cannot change root password. You may already have set it before."
+INTRO1="We will set the default system passwords now. Please choose one of the buttons below. After that your LoxBerry is ready to use."
+INTRO2="By the way: Help can be found at any time in out Wiki:"
+BUTTON_STD_PASSWORDS="Set Default Passwords"
+BUTTON_RDM_PASSWORDS="Set Secure Random Passwords"

@@ -703,11 +680,23 @@
 BUTTON_ADD_DEBUGLOG="Create Debuglog"
 HINT_NOSTORAGE="No usb storages found."
 ADD_DEBUGLOG_SUCCESS="Debug Log was created successfully:"
+LABEL_DEVICE_TO_FORMAT="Device to format:"
+LABEL_SERIAL="Serial No."
+LABEL_NODEVICES="No devices found."
+HINT_INTRODUCTION="You can format a whole device or a partition with Linux' Ext4 filesystem. Please note that this filesystem is not readable by Windows! But it is best supported by Linux (and LoxBerry). If you need to share your device with Windows, you have to format the device with Windows (as exFAT or NTFS). <br><br><b>WARNING! All data on the partition (or whole device if selected) will be DELETED</b>!"

 GET_STORAGE_HTML_LABEL="Select storage"
@@ -754,3 +743,31 @@

+HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of the Raspberry SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive."
+LABEL_ONEBACKUP="Keep one backup"
+LABEL_ACTIVATE="Activate Schedule"
+BUTTON_BACKUPNOW="Start Backup now!"
TranslationBot commented 2 years ago

 WELCOME=Welcome to <b>LoxBerry - BEYOND THE LIMITS</b>
-INTRO1="We will set the default system passwords now. Please choose one of the buttons below. After that your LoxBerry is ready to use."
-INTRO2="By the way: Help can be found at any time in out Wiki:"
-BUTTON_STD_PASSWORDS="Set Default Passwords"
-BUTTON_RDM_PASSWORDS="Set Secure Random Passwords"
+VERSION=This is LoxBerry version
+SLOGAN2="Simply do it. Simply with LoxBerry."
+TITLE_STEP1="Step 1 - Welcome to LoxBerry"
+TITLE_STEP2="Step 2 - Admin Settings"
+TITLE_STEP3="Step 3 - Archive your credentials"
+TITLE_STEP4="Step 4 - What next"
+BUTTON_NEXT_STEP="Continue with step"
+BUTTON_PREV_STEP="Back to step"
+ADMIN_LABEL_INTRO="You can (but you don't need to) change your username for the webinterface, and the passwords for web and SSH access."
+ADMIN_MSG_SKIPPED="You already have changed your credentials therefore this step is skipped. Change your credentials later in the Admin widget."
+FINISHED="Your first settings are done!"
+FINISHED_TEXT1="<b>How to go on:</b>"
+FINISHED_TEXT2="Your LoxBerry is ready to use and secured by new passwords and SecurePIN. Save your passwords carefully! You have to <strong>reboot now</strong> to enlarge your SD-Card!"
+FINISHED_TEXT3="The <b>SecurePIN</b> is an additional PIN code to secure your LoxBerry against intruders that could spy your loxberry password. It secures against new plugin installations and passwort changes."
+FINISHED_TEXT4="For more information on configuring LoxBerry, visit LoxBerry Wiki at"
+FINISHED_TEXT5="Do not forget to <strong>donate</strong>! This is a community project free of charge - Reward <i>our</i> time spent by donating a suitable amount to a <strong>charity organisation</strong>. Visit the Donate! widget. Thank you! And now steep into the new LoxBerry!"
+BUTTON_REBOOT="Reboot to finish your installation"
+ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_ROOT="Cannot change root password. You may already have set it before."

TranslationBot commented 2 years ago

-HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of the Raspberry SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive."
+HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of the Raspberry SDCard. A backup is a full image of your current system and can be flashed onto a new, fresh SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive. All scheduled backups will be compressed with <a href='' target='_blank'>7-ZIP</a> to save space and must be uncompressed before usage. Manual backups will not be compressed."
 LABEL_ONEBACKUP="Keep one backup"
TranslationBot commented 2 years ago
 TITLE_HELPLINK=Detailed help
@@ -610,25 +611,11 @@

 WELCOME=Welcome to <b>LoxBerry - BEYOND THE LIMITS</b>
-VERSION=This is LoxBerry version
-SLOGAN2="Simply do it. Simply with LoxBerry."
-TITLE_STEP1="Step 1 - Welcome to LoxBerry"
-TITLE_STEP2="Step 2 - Admin Settings"
-TITLE_STEP3="Step 3 - Archive your credentials"
-TITLE_STEP4="Step 4 - What next"
-BUTTON_NEXT_STEP="Continue with step"
-BUTTON_PREV_STEP="Back to step"
-ADMIN_LABEL_INTRO="You can (but you don't need to) change your username for the webinterface, and the passwords for web and SSH access."
-ADMIN_MSG_SKIPPED="You already have changed your credentials therefore this step is skipped. Change your credentials later in the Admin widget."
-FINISHED="Your first settings are done!"
-FINISHED_TEXT1="<b>How to go on:</b>"
-FINISHED_TEXT2="Your LoxBerry is ready to use and secured by new passwords and SecurePIN. Save your passwords carefully! You have to <strong>reboot now</strong> to enlarge your SD-Card!"
-FINISHED_TEXT3="The <b>SecurePIN</b> is an additional PIN code to secure your LoxBerry against intruders that could spy your loxberry password. It secures against new plugin installations and passwort changes."
-FINISHED_TEXT4="For more information on configuring LoxBerry, visit LoxBerry Wiki at"
-FINISHED_TEXT5="Do not forget to <strong>donate</strong>! This is a community project free of charge - Reward <i>our</i> time spent by donating a suitable amount to a <strong>charity organisation</strong>. Visit the Donate! widget. Thank you! And now steep into the new LoxBerry!"
-BUTTON_REBOOT="Reboot to finish your installation"
-ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_ROOT="Cannot change root password. You may already have set it before."
+INTRO1="We will set the default system passwords now. Please choose one of the buttons below. After that your LoxBerry is ready to use."
+INTRO2="By the way: Help can be found at any time in out Wiki:"
+BUTTON_STD_PASSWORDS="Set Default Passwords"
+BUTTON_RDM_PASSWORDS="Set Secure Random Passwords"

TranslationBot commented 1 year ago

-WIDGETLABEL=LoxBerry Services
-HEADING_APACHE=Webserver Options
-ERR_WRONG_PORT=The given port is invalid. Select a port between 1 and 65535.
+WIDGETLABEL="LoxBerry Services"
+HEADING_SERIAL="UART / Serial Console"
+HEADING_APACHE="Webserver Options"
+ERR_WRONG_PORT="The given port is invalid. Select a port between 1 and 65535."
+ERR_WRONG_SSLPORT="The given SSL port is invalid. Select a port between 1 and 65535."
 ERR_PORT_IN_USE=The given port is already in use. Please choose another port.
 ERR_PORTCHANGE=Something went wrong during changing the port. Please check your webserver settings.
 HINT_NOPI="It seems that the LoxBerry does not run on a Raspberry Pi. These settings will not work on your platform."
-HINT_INNER_WEBPORT=Default port is 80
-HINT_WEBPORT=Default port for websites is 80. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's web port.
+HINT_INNER_WEBPORT="Default port is 80"
+HINT_INNER_SSLPORT="Default SSL-Port is 443"
+HINT_WEBPORT="Default port for websites is 80. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's web port."
+HINT_SSLPORT="Default SSL port for websites is 443. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's SSL web port."
+HINT_SSL="Enable or disable secure HTTPS/SSL Website"
 LABEL_SSDPENABLED=Publish this LoxBerry as an home automation device
 LABEL_FTP="Enable FTP Server"
 LABEL_SERIAL=Enable Serial Interface
TranslationBot commented 1 year ago
 HINT_WEBPORT="Default port for websites is 80. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's web port."
 HINT_SSLPORT="Default SSL port for websites is 443. In special cases it could be nessesary to change LoxBerry's SSL web port."
 HINT_SSL="Enable or disable secure HTTPS/SSL Website"
+HINT_DOWNLOAD_CACERT="For your web browser to trust LoxBerry's certificate, it is required to install the CA cert as trusted certificate into your browser."
+HINT_SSL_ENABLED="<b>To disable SSL</b>, navigate to the normal webserver port first."
+HINT_PORT_CHANGED="Only one setting can be changed at once. Please press <i>Save</i> to apply the settings, or refresh your browser to start over."
 LABEL_SSDPENABLED=Publish this LoxBerry as an home automation device
 LABEL_FTP="Enable FTP Server"
 LABEL_SERIAL=Enable Serial Interface
TranslationBot commented 1 year ago

-HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of the Raspberry SDCard. A backup is a full image of your current system and can be flashed onto a new, fresh SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive. All scheduled backups will be compressed with <a href='' target='_blank'>7-ZIP</a> to save space and must be uncompressed before usage. Manual backups will not be compressed."
+HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of Raspberry's SDCard. A backup is a full image of your current system and can be flashed onto a new, fresh SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive. Your backups can be compressed in different formats to save space, but make sure your hardware is powerful enough and you have enough additional temporary storage space."
 LABEL_ONEBACKUP="Keep one backup"
@@ -763,6 +763,8 @@
 LABEL_ACTIVATE="Activate Schedule"
TranslationBot commented 1 year ago
 ATTMSG_POPUP_HEADING="Summary of important logfile messages:"

-WIDGETLABEL="Remote Support"
-HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget can open a secure connection to the LoxBerry servers. If enabled, a LoxBerry Developer can access your LoxBerry and Miniservers through a secure VPN connection for troubleshooting. It's more or less like a TeamViewer&reg; session. The connection will only be established, if you have granted your permission. You need a Support Key to start the VPN connection. Without a valid key no connection can be started. You will receive the Support Key from a Core or Plugin developer." 
-LABEL_AUTOCONNECT2="Connect after a reboot automatically"
-MSG_VALINVALID_SUPPORTKEY="The entered support key seems not to be valid."
-MSG_VALINVALID_URL="The entered URL seems not to be valid."
-MSG_VALINVALID_PORT="The port must be a number netween 1 and 65000."
-HINT_HTTPPROXY="If you need to connect through a Proxy Server, enter the URL here."
-HINT_HTTPPORT="Port of your HTTP Proxy Server."
-BUTTON_ACTIVATE="Activate Support Key"
+HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget establishes a secure connection to <a href='' target='_blank'>CloudFlare</a>. With this service one can connect remotely to your LoxBerry. The connection details will be registered to the LoxBerry Servers so that the LoxBerry Team can see your connected LoxBerry and connect to it. Please note that all traffic will be transfered through the Cloudflare Servers and maybe could be read there. After you have connected, please give the following data to the person who should be able to connect to your LoxBerry:"
+LABEL_AUTOCONNECT="Connect automatically:"
+LABEL_AUTOCONNECT2="Connect automatically after a reboot was initiated"
-MSGERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST="This Support Key could not be verified."
-MSGERROR_KEY_COULD_NOT_BE_EXTRACTED="The downloaded key could not be extracted."
-MSGERROR_KEY_EXPIRED="Your Support key has expired. Please contact the developer and ask him for a new one."
-LABEL_VALID="Valid until:"
+MSG_ERROR="An error occurred."

TranslationBot commented 1 year ago
 SAVE_ERR_SECUREPIN_WRONG=The entered SecurePIN is wrong.
 SAVE_ERR_GENERAL="LoxBerry returned an error executing your change.<br><br>Details:"
 SAVE_ERR_PASS_GENERAL_ERROR="Password modification failed. Not changed!"
-WIZARD_INTRO="Your passwords were changed. <b>Attention!</b> The Root-Passwort (Superuser) is hown here to you <b>vor the very last time</b>. Later on, it is <b>not possible to get or change</b> this password, if you do not now this currently set password. Save it now!"
+WIZARD_INTRO="Your passwords were changed. <b>Attention!</b> The Root-Passwort (Superuser) is shown here to you <b>for the very last time</b>. Later on, it is <b>not possible to get or change</b> this password, if you do not now this currently set password.<br><br><center><b><font color='red'>Save it now!</font></b></center>"
 WIZARD_HINT="We suggest that you change the default passwords for the web interface and SSH-Login now. That can be done easily in the System settings in the Admin Widget."

@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
 MSG_ERROR="An error occurred."
TranslationBot commented 1 year ago

-HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of Raspberry's SDCard. A backup is a full image of your current system and can be flashed onto a new, fresh SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a harddrive. Your backups can be compressed in different formats to save space, but make sure your hardware is powerful enough and you have enough additional temporary storage space."
+HINT_INTRODUCTION="This Widget creates full Backups of Raspberry's SDCard. <b>It works on Raspberrys only</b>. A backup is a full image of your current system and can be flashed onto a new, fresh SDCard. It makes no sense (and in fact will not work) if your LoxBerry runs on a different storage like a SSD. Your backups can be compressed in different formats to save space, but make sure your hardware is powerful enough and you have enough additional temporary storage space."
 LABEL_ONEBACKUP="Keep one backup"