mschnitzer / ark-survival-ascended-linux-container-image

A docker/podman container that is able to run an ARK: Survival Ascended on a Linux host.
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missing asa-ctrl #57

Closed nogasgofast closed 3 months ago

nogasgofast commented 3 months ago

I was looking around the containers file system for asa-ctrl but I can't seem to find it: asa-server-1:/etc # whereis asa-ctrl asa-ctrl: just coming up blank even though I logged in as root. Tried without root as well.

The goal was to use this:

      test: asa-ctrl rcon --exec "listplayers"
      interval: 60s
      timeout: 2s
      retries: 5
      start_period: 240s

This way I could shut everything down, and start just one instance to do any updates that need doing. That's not important though I was just real confused when I could not find asa-ctrl.

mschnitzer commented 3 months ago

You are right, whereis returns nothing for me either, strange... However, the asa-ctrl executable is located at /usr/bin.

nogasgofast commented 3 months ago

That is where I thought it would be.

:/etc/docker/compose/asa-maps# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                           PORTS                                                        NAMES
34f3e1a1bea7   mschnitzer/asa-linux-server:latest   "/usr/bin/start_serv…"   3 minutes ago   Restarting (127) 5 seconds ago                                                                asa-server-2
6398e866a59b   mschnitzer/asa-linux-server:latest   "/usr/bin/start_serv…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes           >7777-7778/udp,>27020/tcp   asa-server-1
root@backupServer:/etc/docker/compose/asa-maps# docker exec -it asa-server-1 bash
gameserver@asa-server-1:~> ls /usr/bin/asa-ctrl
ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/asa-ctrl': No such file or directory

/etc/docker/compose/asa-maps# docker exec -it -u root asa-server-1 bash
asa-server-1:/home/gameserver # ls /usr/bin/asa-ctrl
ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/asa-ctrl': No such file or directory
nogasgofast commented 3 months ago

Of note, I did just destroy these volumes and re-build them. And it was still missing. So it seems like it's not in the image or possibly not building correctly... But i didn't really mess with the volumes that much. Everything is accessible and writeable. Or should be.

mschnitzer commented 3 months ago

Can you please run: docker image inspect mschnitzer/asa-linux-server

nogasgofast commented 3 months ago

docker image inspect mschnitzer/asa-linux-server [ { "Id": "sha256:4e871afc8e1673ec455e47f821b4b6d3a35bad184dacce5cf510ae8aa7bffff1", "RepoTags": [ "mschnitzer/asa-linux-server:latest" ], "RepoDigests": [ "mschnitzer/asa-linux-server@sha256:d72ef9080bb9a8ac180e84deffaf588f43bbc7e716f8173bc1a7a567380f0273" ], "Parent": "", "Comment": "", "Created": "2023-11-04T23:58:46Z", "DockerVersion": "", "Author": "Manuel Schnitzer", "Config": { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": null, "Cmd": [ "/bin/bash" ], "Image": "", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "/home/gameserver", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": null }, "Architecture": "amd64", "Os": "linux", "Size": 676347328, "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8e6917d3b00f932df6f3fee4249d3cd358ebd44e27e98e3ae0dd2c10331d6a6f/merged", "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8e6917d3b00f932df6f3fee4249d3cd358ebd44e27e98e3ae0dd2c10331d6a6f/diff", "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8e6917d3b00f932df6f3fee4249d3cd358ebd44e27e98e3ae0dd2c10331d6a6f/work" }, "Name": "overlay2" }, "RootFS": { "Type": "layers", "Layers": [ "sha256:b01209261a1dc28be67ab483230348f829146e0a32e27f721b4f4c58ae5b5897" ] }, "Metadata": { "LastTagTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } ]

mschnitzer commented 3 months ago

"Created": "2023-11-04T23:58:46Z",

You are using an outdated version of the image which doesn't contain asa-ctrl.

You can run docker pull mschnitzer/asa-linux-server to update to version 1.3.0.

Keep in mind that you need to adjust the docker-compose.yml file a bit, so that it has the same structure like this one:

Before you do all of that, please make a copy of your server files first. In theory your docker volumes containing your savegames won't be touched, but better be safe than sorry.

A copy can be made by accessing /var/lib/docker/volumes/ and then copy the asa-linux-server_server-files-1 directory to a save place (make sure the server is stopped!) outside of this directory.

nogasgofast commented 3 months ago

Thanks! I'll work on getting the image upgraded. I am sorry to trouble you over that oversight.