mschonaker / wagon-git

Git Wagon for Apache Maven
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Use of ssh key pair for private bitbucket repositories #20

Closed ukuhnhardt closed 10 years ago

ukuhnhardt commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to use ssh key authentication for private bitbucket repository configuration (1) in settings.xml to avoid using passwords? It would be great to use the same url as defined in the element in pom.xml

Resources: (1)

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

You mean for repository consumption, not deployment, right?

ukuhnhardt commented 10 years ago

yes, that is for consumption when other projects depend on the the artifact that's held in the bitbucket maven repo. We use Atlassian Bamboo as a CI tool to build and test our plugins that share common artifacts and can't store passwords. Thanks a lot for your help.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

Did you have any luck whit this? May I close the ticket?

ukuhnhardt commented 10 years ago

Yes you can close. We're not using bitbucket now for private maven repo.