mschonaker / wagon-git

Git Wagon for Apache Maven
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Wagon-git downloads zero-length jars #23

Closed riccardocossu closed 10 years ago

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

We are using version 0.2.3 and we are using wagon-git in the same build as other repositories. Basically we only want to put a few jars on git (the ones which are not available in public repositories), but let all the rest to be downloaded from usual sources ( and such). The problem is that if wagon-git is called before standard http wagon and doesn't find what it's looking for in the git repo, instead of failing and passing the download to the next wagon it downloads a zero length file, which later results in a build error. I think the problem is that the file not found error is misread as a zero length file and wagon-git tells that everything went fine (so no other wagon kicks in after that).

Here's an extract of the debug log (the git repo is private, so please just trust me that the file isn't there):

[DEBUG] RAN: git pull origin releases / $? = 0 git:releases:// - Session: Opened
[DEBUG] Invoked get(org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.3/httpclient-4.3.jar, //.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.3/httpclient-4.3.jar.tmp32d4207243a74453) Downloading: org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.3/httpclient-4.3.jar from git:releases://<our repo bitbucket). Transfer finished. 0 bytes copied in 0.0 seconds

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

I have never configured it with HTTP URLs. Try using SSH-based ones (like here), instead. Those work with Bitbucket for sure.

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

I also tried with ssh and I have the same problem; the issue seems to be there when you need to download certain files from git (github, bitbucket, whatever) and some from other repositories. I guess that, if you have you whole repository on git, it would work fine, but I don't really think this would be an option.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

What do you mean with not having the whole repository on git? git modules? SVN?

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

on git we only have the jars which are not available in public or accessible repositories; for the rest we rely on standard public repositories.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

I don't see your point. Wagon-git can work with (even) private Bitbucket repositories using SSH URLs.

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

We have some internal jars (not publicly available) we want to distribute (to colleagues) through our bitbucket repo; as long as we only use those jar everything is fine, we can publish and recover artifacts with no problem. The issues starts when we try to download a jar which is not in our repository, for example httpclient-4.3 which is available through maven standard public repositories; we don't wanna put that in our repository for many reasons I won't list for brevity. Wagon-git tries to download httpclient from bitbucket (but it's not there), but, instead of managing the error and letting the next repo do it (eventually maven central will be called), it writes a zero-length placeholder so that maven believes that file has been downloaded; the build fails later when it finds the zero-length jar.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

The patch looks good. Thank you. I'll merge and release 0.2.4 ASAP.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

Well, I can't see it anymore...

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

sorry I made a mess; just give me a minute :-) it's a bit cleaner now

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

this will do, just tried; thank you.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

I think that removing

 if (remote.exists())

from the original source should be enough. new FileInputStream(remote) will throw the adequate exception.

Would you please try and tell me if that works for you?

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

It works, but why was it there in the first place then?

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

Looks like a bug to me :) I'll test further and then commit and release. Thanks.

mschonaker commented 10 years ago

Done. 0.2.4 is out.

riccardocossu commented 10 years ago

thanks, have a nice day