mschonaker / wagon-git

Git Wagon for Apache Maven
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promblem with mavenDeployer in Android Studio #47

Open af-abe opened 7 years ago

af-abe commented 7 years ago


I want to upload a Android Library to my private Bitbucket. The problem is, that the wagon-git do not take the right credentials. It takes the local credentials, that are used in windows and not the given in authentication(...)

my uploadArchives:

configurations {

dependencies {
    deployerJar ""

uploadArchives {
    repositories.mavenDeployer {
        configuration = configurations.deployerJar
        pom.groupId = 'de.XXXXXXXXX'
        pom.artifactId = 'foo'
        pom.version = '3.1.1'

        repository(url: "git:releases://<company>/>mavenrepo>.git") {
            authentication(userName: "some_user", password: '**********')

the upload works but the commit is done by the user, that is registered in the windows installation of Git.

How should I do this with a private Bitbucket? All linked tutorials did not work in android studio.