mschwartz / SilkJS

V8 Based JavaScript Swiss Army Knife (and HTTP Server!)
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SilkJS for Windows #33

Open lispish opened 10 years ago

lispish commented 10 years ago

is there a plan for SilkJS for Windows, it will be easy alternative to node.js on windows

ghost commented 10 years ago

You can see Mike's reply to a very similar question here:!topic/SilkJS/W5WcYx7Kcio

lispish commented 10 years ago

direct on windows would have been great ... thanks for the link!

dorgan commented 10 years ago

what does that mean "direct on windows" ?

lispish commented 10 years ago

installing ubuntu in a VM is an indirection for me. node.js is easier in the setup process for Windows but async and callbacks are not straight forward!

ghost commented 10 years ago

NOT trying to start a 'flame war'. Just trying to understand. I can appreciate that some people have work/client requirements that dictate their 'main' OS is Windows, but for those developers with a choice, typically the best environment is not Windows. Having said that, if you develop in C#, I can see that Windows may be 'best'. If you are developing for iPhone etc. then OSX would be 'best'. But, in most cases, Linux is the most efficient and powerful.