mscraftsman / generative-ai

Gemini AI SDK for .NET and ASP.NET Core enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI models to build AI-powered features and applications.
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Feature suggestion: Retry mechanism #2

Open doggy8088 opened 6 months ago

doggy8088 commented 6 months ago

It because Google AI Gemini API is error prone. Every GenAI app should implement retry mechanism. Would you consider implement retry mechanism as a built-in feature in your library?

jochenkirstaetter commented 6 months ago

Hi @doggy8088 Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I was thinking about a retry mechanism already and considering something like Polly. However, right now I'd like to keep dependencies on other packages as small as possible and this package supports .NET Framework 4.7.2, .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET 6 or higher.

Do you have suggestions on how to implement a "native" retry mechanism?

doggy8088 commented 6 months ago

I think a built-in caching mechanism would be more convenient. It could be a optional argument to enable/disable this feature. Or provide a standalone method to do that. It could be a helper method or static method or extension method.

For the retry mechanism, this should be abstract to the developer. The method only throw exception when it reached max retry limit.

jochenkirstaetter commented 6 months ago

I'm going to look into that and open a feature branch. The retry pattern for asynchronous calls in C# seems to be an interesting approach to solve this.

In case that you have code snippets or solid code samples, please feel free to post. That would be very much appreciated.

doggy8088 commented 6 months ago

Here is my code snippet for retry mechanism:

public async Task<string> Run(double temperature = -1, int retries = 5, string[] stopSequences = null)
    string endpoint = $"{this.ApiKey}";

    var request = new GeminiRequest()
        Contents = this.Contents.ToArray(),
        GenerationConfig = this.DefaultGenerationConfig,
        SafetySettings = this.DefaultSafetySettings

    if (temperature >= 0)
        request.GenerationConfig.Temperature = temperature;

    if (stopSequences is not null)
        request.GenerationConfig.StopSequences = stopSequences.ToList();

    var json = request.ToJson();

    using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
        var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
        var message = await client.PostAsync(endpoint, content);

        responseContent = await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        this.LogResponseJson(responseContent, logId: logId);

        if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            if (retries <= 0)
                throw new Exception($"Gemini Error: {message.StatusCode}\n\n{message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result}");


            return await Run(temperature, retries - 1, stopSequences);

    GeminiResponse response = GeminiResponse.FromJson(responseContent);

    var firstCandidate = response.Candidates.First();

    bool status = false;
    switch (firstCandidate.FinishReason)
        case FinishReason.SAFETY:
            // Util.HorizontalRun(true, request, response).Dump();
        case FinishReason.MAX_TOKENS:
            // Util.HorizontalRun(true, request, response).Dump();
        case FinishReason.RECITATION:
            // Util.HorizontalRun(true, request, response).Dump();
        case FinishReason.OTHER:
            // If you see BlockedReason.OTHER, the query or response may violate the terms of service or be otherwise unsupported.
            // Util.HorizontalRun(true, request, response).Dump();
        case FinishReason.UNSPECIFIED:
            // Util.HorizontalRun(true, request, response).Dump();
        case FinishReason.STOP:
            status = true;

    if (!status)
        if (retries <= 0)
            throw new FinishReasonException($"Error: {firstCandidate.FinishReason}");


        return await Run(temperature, retries - 1);

    return firstCandidate.Content.Parts.First().Text;
jochenkirstaetter commented 6 months ago

Dear @doggy8088

Thanks for the code snippet. I'm trying to get my head around several things here.

As mentioned before, I like the idea to add the retry design pattern to the package. I'm currently a bit undecided about the actual how and the implementation.

Again, thanks for your contribution.

PS: The way how HttpClient is used can cause trouble regarding port exhaustion on the client. There are safer ways.

doggy8088 commented 6 months ago

In my personal experience, almost every circumstance needs retry. There are so many false positives error returned from Google AI Gemini API. The FinishReason could lie. In my current implementation, I retry everything when I get non-200 response.

I never tried streaming till now.

jochenkirstaetter commented 6 months ago

I see. In case of an HTTP 400 Bad Request or an HTTP 404 Not Found, I wouldn't go for a retry. Same in case of an HTTP 500 Server error or similar.

I get your reasoning, and I'm giving it a bit more thought. In general, I like the retry design pattern, and yes I'd like to implement it as well into the package. Bear with me a little.

doggy8088 commented 6 months ago

I agreed with you about the HTTP 400 and 404. But for HTTP 500, that definitely need implement retry with backoff mechanism.