mscross / pysplit

A package for HYSPLIT air parcel trajectory analysis.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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The system cannot find the file specified #82

Open vargasdanny opened 2 years ago

vargasdanny commented 2 years ago

Hi Mellissa,

I have been trying to run the docs/examples/ but I am getting this error when running it:

File "C:\Users\Danny Vargas.conda\envs\pysplitenv\lib\", line 1207, in _execute_child startupinfo)

FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

I am running it in Windows 10, python=3.6 and use spyder 5.0 to run the code. I followed all the instructions from the github repository and your paper but I could not make any progress solving it. May you please help me with this issue. Many thanks. Danny

laszloelemer commented 2 years ago

Dear Melissa,

I have the same problem. I am working with Windows 10, python 3.6 and running in anaconda prompt. Any idea what the issue could be? Kind regards,


KevinJSanchez-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Hello Mellissa, I am having the same problem as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am on Windows 10, python 3.7, running in spyder 5.1.1

Best, Kevin

KevinJSanchez-NOAA commented 2 years ago

It turned out the code was looking for something in 'C:/hysplit4/exec' and my hysplit folder name did not have the number 4 in it. So I added the number 4 to the folder name and it worked. I hope that helps everyone else.

Or you can just change the last key word: "The final keyword argument is the location of the HYSPLIT trajectory executable. On Windows systems, this will usually be 'C:\hysplit4\exec\hyts_std' (default value). PySPLIT calls this executable to calculate trajectories."

vargasdanny commented 2 years ago

Hi Kevin, Thank you so much for the suggestions. Based on your comments I could solve it. Besides adding the number 4, a backslash "/" was missing in the working directory, so at the end, it worked out and now looks like this: working_dir = r'C:/hysplit4/exec/

I hope it helps others as well.

Cheers, Danny

absoni003 commented 2 years ago

Hello All, Thank you for the previous suggestion to rename "/hysplit" folder to "/hysplit4". However, I found another issue during plotting of clusters using "". The error is <[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'CLUSLIST_7'>, as there is no file named CLUSLIST_7. Is anyone faces same issue? Could you please help me to solve this error. Thank you in advance, Best, Soni

vargasdanny commented 2 years ago

Hi Soni, This issue was already answered, check this You get the CLUSLIST_7 file from running the HYSPLIT software from your computer. The number 7 is the number of clusters you wish to run, e.g. if you choose 5 clusters from the HYSPLIT interface after running you will get CLUSLIST_5. Hope it helps. Cheers, Danny

absoni003 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much Danny for your quick reply. My issue resolved. Best, Soni