msekoranja / emsc-hacs-repository

EMSC Home Assistant Integration
MIT License
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RSS Getting a 404 #7

Open ejpenney opened 1 year ago

ejpenney commented 1 year ago

Version of the custom_component



  - platform: emscrss
    name: Earthquakes
    radius: 300
    magnitude: 3.0

Describe the bug

Getting this error in the logs:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: georss_client
Source: custom_components/emscrss/
Integration: emscrss (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:53:05 PM (50 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:58:10 PM

Fetching data from failed with status 404

Debug log

Not bothering to generate logs as I confirmed the URL is indeed giving a 404 in my browser. I suspect the RSS feed has moved (or is possibly defunct).

If you really want debug logs, just ask and I'll generate some.

Add your logs here.
laplug commented 1 year ago

I received answer from emsc: Yes it is unlikely that we resume the rss feed, but our data are still available from our seismicportal: best regards,

msekoranja commented 1 year ago


thanks for looking at this. Sadly, w/o RSS this integration will not work anymore.


ejpenney commented 1 year ago

I don't know how to solve this quite as thoroughly as this integration did, but for folks in the US, there does exist the USGS integration. Looks like some quakes are reported outside the US, but the number is low enough I believe the data's incomplete.

Using USGS I get behavior similar to this integration by adding this to configuration.yaml:

  - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    feed_type: "past_day_all_earthquakes"

  - sensor:
      name: usgs_earthquakes_feed
      state: "{{ this.attributes.quakes | count }}"
        quakes: >
          {%- set entities = integration_entities("usgs_earthquakes_feed") %}
          {%- set ns = namespace(entities = []) %}
          {%- for entity_id in entities %}
            {%- set ns.entities = ns.entities + [ entity_id ] %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {{ ns.entities }}

Then I created a card like this:

type: conditional
  - entity: sensor.usgs_earthquakes_feed
    state_not: '0'
  type: markdown
  content: >

    {%- for entry in state_attr("sensor.usgs_earthquakes_feed", "quakes") %}

    |{{ relative_time(state_attr(entry, "time")) }} ago | {{
    state_attr(entry, "place") }} | {{ state_attr(entry, "magnitude") }}|

    {%- endfor -%}                

The geo_location domain also provides this nifty map, so you could also do something like this:

type: conditional
  - entity: sensor.usgs_earthquakes_feed
    state_not: '0'
  title: Earthquakes!
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: map
        - all
    - type: markdown
      content: >

        |----|-----|---------:| {%- for entry in
        state_attr("sensor.usgs_earthquakes_feed", "quakes") %}

        |{{ relative_time(state_attr(entry, "time")) }} ago | {{
        state_attr(entry, "place") }} | {{ state_attr(entry, "magnitude") }}|

        {%- endfor -%}                


Stanojoski commented 1 year ago

Hello, Is it possible the integration to receive the earthquake data from this page:

empty-child commented 1 year ago

Hello I checked their app, it retrieves data from this geojson. Can it be implemented? (I don't know how to build integrations, unfortunately)

Stanojoski commented 1 year ago

It is simple extracting the data from the json with some small code in the configuration.yaml and some rest platform. This is my code I use to get some WAQI data, this should be something similar. I dont know how to do integrations as well.

- platform: rest
  scan_interval: 600
  name: WAQI Butel
  value_template: "{{ | int }}"
  unique_id: waqi_butel
laplug commented 1 year ago

My (newbie) Home Assistant solution for the EMSC monitor, see the code below. Please note: I am only interested in the latest earthquake within a region roughly the rectangle region left top Iceland, right bottom Turkey. I use the following URL for that:

limit=1 -> means I only want the latest quake minlat=34.443&maxlat=68.270&minlon=-23.921&maxlon=41.365 -> is the region I'm interested in minmag=4.0 -> only magnitude 4.0 and above You can create this URL at the website of EMSC and then past it in the code.

In de configuration.yaml

  # EMSC Earthquakes
  - resource:
    timeout: 50
    scan_interval: 900 # scan every 15 minutes
      - name: "EMSC Earthquakes"
        value_template: "OK"
        json_attributes_path: "features[0].properties"
            - lastupdate
            - time
            - flynn_region
            - lat
            - lon
            - depth
            - mag
            - magtype
            - unid

Next, I added a Markdown Card (on one of my dashboards. If you open the YAML-editor of that card, you can paste it in.

type: markdown
content: >
  <ha-icon icon="mdi:earth"></ha-icon><b>Latest earthquake >=4.0 in the EU:</b>

  Location: <a href="{{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'lat') }}+{{
  state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'lon') }}" style="color:blue" target="_blank"> {{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'flynn_region') | title }} </a>

  Magnitude (4>): {{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'mag') }} ({{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'magtype') | title}})

  Depth: {{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'depth') }} km

  Date: {{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'time')[0:10] }} Time: {{ state_attr('sensor.emsc_earthquakes', 'time')[11:19] }}

This gives you an idea how you could use the information. I am new to Home Assistant, so maybe a wizard would do a better job, but this works for me.