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posts/first-steps-with-zig/ #43

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

First steps with Zig - Harsh Shandilya

I've decided to learn Zig, and here's how I'm preparing for it.

LewisGaul commented 3 years ago

Nice post, and welcome to Zig! I added a link to this post at Collection of blog posts about the Zig programming language, I hope you don't mind :)

To be able to use VSCode for writing Zig, I also installed the official zls language server for Zig. This did get me go-to-declaration support for the standard library, but not syntax highlighting. I’m not sure if that’s intended, or a bug with my local setup.

I have the 'Zig' VSCode extention by Marc Tiehuis installed, I believe this is what's providing my syntax highlighting. I wouldn't expect a language server to provide syntax highlighting as I expect that works by integrating with the IDE being used (?).

msfjarvis commented 3 years ago

Nice post, and welcome to Zig! I added a link to this post at Collection of blog posts about the Zig programming language, I hope you don't mind :)

I certainly do not, thanks for the feature!

To be able to use VSCode for writing Zig, I also installed the official zls language server for Zig. This did get me go-to-declaration support for the standard library, but not syntax highlighting. I’m not sure if that’s intended, or a bug with my local setup.

I have the 'Zig' VSCode extention by Marc Tiehuis installed, I believe this is what's providing my syntax highlighting. I wouldn't expect a language server to provide syntax highlighting as I expect that works by integrating with the IDE being used (?).

I will have to give that a shot, thanks for letting me know. My expectations are possibly skewed by rust-analyzer, which as I understand, handles LSP functionality as well as provides syntax highlighting.