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关于中国大陆安卓推送生态问题 || about the ecological issue of Android push in mainland China #74

Open moonrailgun opened 1 year ago

moonrailgun commented 1 year ago





Because of well-known reasons, the current domestic Android push ecology is complicated


Currently conceivable methods are:

If you have any ideas, please leave a message

liesauer commented 1 year ago


In fact, it is impossible to push this piece like a normal app. There are many embarrassing places for notification apps.

XJY00 commented 10 months ago

@moonrailgun 您好,我有在关注Rocket.chat和您的项目,

在这里向您和同类应用提出一个中国Android应用推送解决方案建议。 我参考了其他安卓应用的推送解决方案, 这个应用名称是 APKPure 。


APKPure 以后台始终保持运行的方式, 创建了一个顶层显示(类似于悬浮窗), 利用这个方法实现了在极端环境下的消息通知。 我希望Rocket.chat的安卓客户端和同类应用,可以参考这个方法, 来满足这个非常必要且急切的普遍需求。 希望可以作为可选功能被添加到应用中。


@moonrailgun Hello, I am following and your project,

Here we propose a Chinese Android app push solution to you and similar apps. I referred to the push solutions of other Android applications, The app name is APKPure.

Guesses and suggestions:

APKPure keeps running in the background, Creates a top-level display (similar to a floating window), This method is used to implement message notification in extreme environments. I hope’s Android client and similar applications can refer to this method. to meet this very necessary and urgent universal need. Hopefully this can be added to the app as an optional feature.

Same issues link for

moonrailgun commented 10 months ago


感谢你的留言,你的方案我们也考虑过,其问题在于虽然可能可以解决部分手机的问题,让推送能够触达用户,但是面临的问题在于对于用户本身是不友好的,也是不环保的。 另一方面来说,这种方案是被各大厂商所不允许的,事实上各个厂商对于这种形式的应用处理方式是不同的,有的厂商会严一点有的厂商会比较松。随着android规范越来越完备以及厂商对应用的监管越来越严,这种像是病毒一样的非正常方式是会逐渐消失的,而我们作为开源项目来说也很难做到和厂商进行长久的对抗(类似的有以前的安卓的1px保活之类的) 当然非常感谢你的留言


Thank you for your message. We have also considered your solution. The problem is that although it may be able to solve the problems of some mobile phones and allow push notifications to reach users, the problem is that it is not friendly to users themselves and is not environmentally friendly. On the other hand, this solution is not allowed by major manufacturers. In fact, each manufacturer has different ways of handling this form of application. Some manufacturers will be more strict and some will be more lenient. As Android specifications become more and more complete and manufacturers supervise applications more and more strictly, this abnormal method like viruses will gradually disappear, and as an open source project, it is difficult for us to negotiate with manufacturers. Long-term confrontation (similar to the previous Android's 1px keep-alive) Of course thank you very much for your message

XJY00 commented 10 months ago

我有些疑问哈, 应用图标上的小红点,和消息推送接口是一起的吗? 对于我个人来说,只要知道有即时消息或者小红点就行了,完全可以放弃消息内容预览。

简单分析一下,根据g0v目前的规定,要求消息内容需要进行审查, 选择正规推送方式:开源项目的消息内容不可控,必然会选择接受审查或者放弃通知的预览信息。 选择悬浮窗方式:同样因为劣币驱逐良币,可能导致平台对悬浮窗的更多限制(这是您提到的可能性) 对于悬浮窗方式我的看法是,如果要限制就等于割肉,因为正常的录屏工具要用到。 (小声bb:只是个可选功能哪里不好了(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

g0v的app备案和审查,可能会迫使开源项目进行最后的抉择,y割披羊皮?还是钻狗洞? 最坏最节省成本的结果是直接放弃支持中国地区,因为开源app最后可能不准被接入网络。

Bad idea&End:


i kill myself?:

老老实实放弃内容预览,y割自己绕过审查。 堂堂正正审查后接入平台,y割用户开启特色开源商业化新生

some idea:

  1. webPush,利用第三方浏览器对于网站服务的推送通知,搭建web应用依靠浏览器app推送?
  2. 实时修改桌面图标,模拟小红点?
  3. 邮箱服务器推送(比如通过outlook邮箱smtp发送新消息通知) 我原本准备自建邮箱服务器却发现租用的服务器运营商不支持

一些可能有关推送的github项目: PushDeer 有关无法推送的反馈与回复 Server酱 其中提到了他们计划开发快应用

《互联网弹窗信息推送服务管理规定》 **部关于开展移动互联网应用程序备案工作的通知 推必安


如果悬浮窗确实不合适,希望SMTP服务支持这一扩展选项:在线新消息邮件推送 (Rocket.chat只支持离线消息的邮箱通知,但通常我在电脑上会保持登录就无法接到通知了)

I have some questions, Is the little red dot on the application icon the same as the message push interface? For me personally, as long as I know there is an instant message or a little red dot, I can completely give up previewing the message content.

A brief analysis shows that according to g0v’s current regulations, message content needs to be reviewed. Choose a formal push method: The message content of open source projects is uncontrollable, and you will inevitably choose to accept review or abandon the preview information of the notification. Choose the floating window method: Also because bad coins drive out good coins, it may lead to more restrictions on the floating window on the platform (this is the possibility you mentioned) My opinion on the floating window method is that if you want to restrict it, it is equivalent to cutting off the meat, because normal screen recording tools need to be used. (whisper bb: What’s wrong with it being just an optional feature (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

g0v’s app registration and review may force open source projects to make final decisions, and cut them off in sheep’s clothing? Or drill into a dog hole? The worst and most cost-effective result is to simply give up support for China, because open source apps may not be allowed to be connected to the network in the end.

Bad idea&End:

They all went into a dog hole to have the last carnival, and in the end they were not allowed to access the Internet because they were not registered. The open source app is dead.

i kill myself? :

Honestly give up content previews and cut yourself to bypass censorship. Access to the platform after a dignified review, y-cut users open up a new life of characteristic open source commercialization

some ideas:

  1. webPush, using third-party browsers to push notifications for website services, building web applications that rely on browser app push?
  2. Modify desktop icons in real time and simulate little red dots?
  3. Email server push (such as sending new message notifications through Outlook email SMTP) I originally planned to build my own email server but found that the server operator I rented did not support it.

Some github projects that may be relevant for pushing: PushDeer Feedback and replies about the inability to push Server sauce It mentioned that they plan to develop quick applications

"Internet pop-up information push service management regulations" Ministry of **Notice on Carrying out the Registration of Mobile Internet Applications Tuibian

Last request:

If the floating window is really not suitable, I hope the SMTP service supports this extended option: online new message email push ( only supports email notifications for offline messages, but usually I stay logged in on my computer and cannot receive notifications)

moonrailgun commented 10 months ago

@XJY00 感谢你的回复。你的消息每一行我都认真看了,对于你的疑问我做出了如下的回复:










事实上已经接入wxpusher. 具体可以看官方文档:




@XJY00 Thanks for your reply. I have read every line of your message carefully, and I have responded to your questions as follows:

Is the little red dot on the application icon the same as the message push interface?


Choose a formal push method: The message content of open source projects is uncontrollable, and you will inevitably choose to accept review or give up the preview information of the notification.

Marketing messages are censored. IM doesn't have it but there are thresholds.


Requires Google support. If domestic users can accept Google, then unified push with FCM will not be a problem.

Modify desktop icons in real time and simulate little red dots?

The process has been killed and there is no way to operate it.

Some github projects that may be related to push:

In fact, wxpusher has been connected. For details, please see the official documentation:

If the floating window is really not suitable, I hope the SMTP service supports this extended option: online new message email push

Sending emails as an alternative to IM is a very inefficient solution. Sending every email can easily be regarded as a harassing email and be rejected. There are some shortcomings in the timeliness of combining the number of messages to be sent, and there are relatively few users in China who use email.

However, if you are a computer web user/desktop user, if you keep the tab open, there will be less problems in this regard, because these solutions do not have the process killing behavior caused by the mobile phone considering the power factor, and the application can be active for a long time

XJY00 commented 10 months ago


Got it, thanks for the answer