msgpack / msgpack-cli

MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure /[C#]
Apache License 2.0
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Problem deserializing byte array - InvalidOperationException caused by Decoders.InvalidArrayHeader.Read call #337

Open flcrew opened 4 years ago

flcrew commented 4 years ago

Hi together,

I'm facing a sporadic issue in my C# program deserializing a byte array using MessagePack.

When deserializing the following bytes


I will get an InvalidOperationException "code is invalid. code:217 format:str 8".

Do you have a clue what may be the reason for this exception? May it be a scrambled / not well transmitted message containing not all relevant deserialization data? (we are using NetMQ / sockets as underlying communication mechanism) Is it possible that somehow the wrong decoder was chosen internally?

Call stack is: MessagePack.dll!MessagePack.Decoders.InvalidArrayHeader.Read(byte[] bytes, int offset, out int readSize) Line 3543 MessagePack.dll!MessagePack.MessagePackBinary.ReadArrayHeader(byte[] bytes, int offset, out int readSize) Line882 MessagePack.Resolvers.DynamicUnionResolver!MessagePack.Formatters.CQRS_Messages_INetMesaageFormatter2.Deserialize(byte[] value, int value, MessagePack.IFormatterResolver value, ref int value) MessagePack.dll!MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(byte[] bytes, MessagePack.IFormatterResolver resolver) Line133 MessagePack.dll!MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(byte[] bytes) Line124

Thanks in advance!


DylanGTech commented 3 years ago

I have this exact same problem. Stinks to know there is no response after this long. For me, it was ValueTuble<string, string> type this happened to, on .NET Core

flcrew commented 3 years ago

We finally found the reason for this issue - it was not caused by MessagePack itself, but by faulty handling of our program. It actually injected data into the deserializer that was not originally serialized with MessagePack. Maybe it could be a hint for you to check if the data was really serialized with MessagePack beforehand.

DylanGTech commented 3 years ago

I now suspect that I may be doing something similar. I realize now that NetworkStreams can only have one thread for reading, and one for writing. Fixed that and this issue largely went away. Although when I try to use a MessagePackStreamReader on the client, I get issues where I only get a few bytes, nothing that can be deserialized. I'm looking into that now. Thanks!

yfakariya commented 3 years ago

I am sorry to leave this issue open and did not comment it for a long time, and I appreciate you to communicate each other to share your experience to solve the problem!

But as I can see, the above stack trace looks another library -- so, this issue should be discussed on another repo.