msgpack / msgpack-haskell

Haskell implementation of MessagePack /[Haskell]
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New spec not supported ? #41

Closed PierreR closed 11 years ago

PierreR commented 11 years ago

I am having trouble trying to deserialize json objects serialized by msgpack-python 0.4.0.

I keep getting error messages such as invalid raw tag 0x82 even with a small testing bytestring such as (python side):

Out[52]: '\x82\xc4\x04user\xc4\x07vagrant\xc4\x02id\xc4\x08localdev'

Am I using the library incorrectly (just using tryUnpack for now and never got a Right value?

Is the lib too old not supporting the latest msgapack protocol ? Is msgpack-haskell still active (it looks pretty inactive ...)

Any help appreciated. Thanks

PierreR commented 11 years ago

Closing the ticket. The error came up from my inability to use the library. To my defense, there is not much documentation, so I really needed to dive into the code.

It would be nice to have a recipe about how to parse json objects.