msgpack / msgpack-haskell

Haskell implementation of MessagePack /[Haskell]
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Allow binary-0.8 #72

Closed jchia closed 7 years ago

jchia commented 8 years ago

With binary-0.8, compilation fails because of ambiguity for functions like getWord16be. This should be fixable by changing the import of Data.Binary.

aloiscochard commented 8 years ago

I think this project is dead, please see:

jchia commented 8 years ago

Well, until someone takes over the maintenance of the hackage package and fixes the issue, I'm just using my own fork.

aloiscochard commented 8 years ago

@jchia this precisely why I was pointing you to this maintained fork which have all fixes:

Not sure why you would prefer keeping your own fork?

jchia commented 8 years ago

Oh, I didn't realize it has been added to hackage. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll see if I can use that and if not I'll send my pull request.