msgpack / msgpack-javascript

@msgpack/msgpack - MessagePack for JavaScript /[JavaScript/TypeScript/ECMA-262]
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Support a number as key in object when packing as MAP? #187

Open majianjia opened 3 years ago

majianjia commented 3 years ago


I am developing a protocol in a resource constrain platform and suffer from very limited bandwidth. We are using map(integer: any) to transfer messages.

However, this lib only packs objects as map() while the "key" in the object is required to be a string. Using string adds at least additional 2 bytes compared to the integer, while the map(integer: bool or integer) can be only 3 bytes.

I understand this request is not commonly used in the web dev, but it is very useful for us to reduce the bandwidth.


gfx commented 3 years ago

You can already use an Array as the data source of encode(), so once you "translate" your objects into arrays before passing them to encode(), the encoded objects will get smaller (and IIUC that's what ProtocolBuffers does).

majianjia commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply, I will try this method.

benatkin commented 11 months ago

I think this is important for interoperability, especially with Python, where integer keys are very common in maps.

To support I would perhaps have three: one that uses plain objects, one that uses Map, and one that calls a function asking whether to use a plain object or a Map when serializing/deserializing.

3da commented 10 months ago

I have the same issue. Would be fine if we could annotate fields in some TS interface and then it translated automatically into an object with such interface.

yayiyao commented 8 months ago

same question. Object will automatically convert keys into string type, and Map objects are not supported. How to solve?

object or Map need to encode:

{ 1: 'hello', 2: 'world' }
Aetherus commented 8 months ago

This is extremely important when encoding sparse arrays with very large indices, e.g. {45319: "foo", 97813: "bar"} and {[123, 321]: 0.1, [222, 333]: 0.2}

Yotsubal commented 2 months ago

I use this code to approach this issue, by creating custom encoder

  var Hex = "816501"; // {101: 1}

  var MsgPackEncoder = require("@msgpack/msgpack").Encoder
  var MsgPack_encoderWithNumberMap = (value, options) => {
      const encoder = new MsgPackEncoder(options);
      encoder.encodeMap = (object, depth) => {
        const keys = Object.keys(object);
        if (encoder.sortKeys) {
        const size = encoder.ignoreUndefined ? encoder.countWithoutUndefined(object, keys) : keys.length;
        if (size < 16) {
            // fixmap
            encoder.writeU8(0x80 + size);
        else if (size < 0x10000) {
            // map 16
        else if (size < 0x100000000) {
            // map 32
        else {
            throw new Error(`Too large map object: ${size}`);
        for (const key of keys) {
            const value = object[key];
            if (!(encoder.ignoreUndefined && value === undefined)) {
              // Check if Key String is a number
              if(Number(key) == key) {
              } else {
              encoder.doEncode(value, depth + 1);
      return encoder.encodeSharedRef(value);

  var B1 = msgPack.decode(Buffer.from(Hex, "hex"))
  var B2 = MsgPack_encoderWithNumberMap(B1, {})
  var B3 = msgPack.encode(B1, {})

  console.log(Buffer.from(B2).toString("hex") == Hex) // true - 816501 
  console.log(Buffer.from(B3).toString("hex") == Hex) // false - 81a331303101