mshernandez5 / WelcomeXP

A nody-greeter / web-greeter 3.0 theme to mimic the Windows XP login screen.
82 stars 7 forks source link

I installed this theme and migrated to nody and know the only thing i see is a black screen. #12

Closed GerardPolloRebozado closed 8 months ago

GerardPolloRebozado commented 2 years ago

I was using the lightdm-webkit2 so I uninstalled and installed nody and changed the theme and set the greeter to nody, after that, I restarted to try it out, and now the only thing it appears is a black screen with a white hyphen. Using CTRL+ F2 F3 F4 F5 doesn't open the terminal.

mshernandez5 commented 2 years ago

What distribution are you using?

The common keyboard shortcut to switch to a different TTY is CTRL+ALT+F2, CTRL+ALT+F3, etc. (basically any one that isn't already reserved by the graphical session). Don't forget the ALT key if you're trying to switch over. That should get you to what is basically an emergency terminal.

When you installed nody-greeter, did you make sure to also edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf or (depending on your distribution) one of the configuration files in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ and change greeter-session=web-greeter to greeter-session=nody-greeter?