mshernandez5 / WelcomeXP

A nody-greeter / web-greeter 3.0 theme to mimic the Windows XP login screen.
77 stars 7 forks source link

Updating to web-greeter ^3.0.0 #9

Closed JezerM closed 2 years ago

JezerM commented 2 years ago

web-greeter ^3.0.0

Fixes #8

A lots of these kind of themes are outdated, depending of an abandoned project: lightdm-webkit2-greeter, later renamed to web-greeter, made by Antergos team. However, Antergos left some updates and a little direction to what this project should evolve.

web-greeter 3.0.0 is now my fork, where I'm trying to develop this project, with some other new features.

You can check my fork here (web-greeter 3.1.1), and the API docs here.


@rocheston had some interest to use this theme on nody-greeter and web-greeter, so I made some little changes to allow this.

Mergin this PR will mean that this theme won't be usable with lightdm-webkit2-greeter at all, but it will allow to have features like battery status, brightness controller, layout selector (which are not included in this PR), and a newer JavaScript engine with Chromium. Also, the README should be changed if this project is moving to these new greeters.


mshernandez5 commented 2 years ago

I wasn't aware that there was any active forks of the old Antergos project. Thanks for the information and pull request, I will take some time to look at this soon!

mshernandez5 commented 2 years ago

This project is now moving to support the new greeters. The README will be updated very soon along with a few changes necessary to maintain the look due to small rendering differences between the old and new rendering engines.