By choosing "Tenant" instead of "Company" as tenant name the following localisations are not configured properly.
The menu entry for the entity expects "". In global.json ..."adminTenantManagement" is used.
In user-management.component.html the translation string is "userManagementTenant" but should be "userManagement.tenant". The related entry in "user-management.json" is missing.
In user-management-detail.component.html the translation string is "userManagementTenant" but should be "userManagement.tenant"
In navbar.component.html the translation string is "" and should be something like "" (double "admin" and "." instead of "/".
In "adminTenantManagement.json" a key is "adminTenantManagement" but in the rest of the code referenced as "adminTenant"
By choosing "Tenant" instead of "Company" as tenant name the following localisations are not configured properly.