mshima / generator-jhipster-multitenancy2

JHipster multitenancy blueprint
Apache License 2.0
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Localization strings missing / not correct with different tenant name #7

Closed shwabnitz closed 5 years ago

shwabnitz commented 5 years ago

By choosing "Tenant" instead of "Company" as tenant name the following localisations are not configured properly.

  1. The menu entry for the entity expects "". In global.json ..."adminTenantManagement" is used.
  2. In user-management.component.html the translation string is "userManagementTenant" but should be "userManagement.tenant". The related entry in "user-management.json" is missing.
  3. In user-management-detail.component.html the translation string is "userManagementTenant" but should be "userManagement.tenant"
  4. In navbar.component.html the translation string is "" and should be something like "" (double "admin" and "." instead of "/".
  5. In "adminTenantManagement.json" a key is "adminTenantManagement" but in the rest of the code referenced as "adminTenant"
mshima commented 5 years ago

Seems everything is fixed.